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7/27/2020 3:43 PM 12273430 1 THE TSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021-4.docx
8/23/2012 12:27 AM 124072 2011-2012 Student Government Association Constitution.pdf
8/22/2012 9:35 PM 128485 2012-2013 Organization Awards Criteria.docx
4/11/2016 1:53 PM 26624 2016-2017SGA Positions.doc
4/11/2016 3:50 PM 26624 2016-2017SGA
8/22/2012 9:20 PM 300841 Advisor Commitment Form.docx
8/26/2011 2:20 PM 37888 AdvisorCommittment.doc
11/15/2012 3:03 PM 357364 CertificateofImmunication.pdf
8/27/2020 10:00 PM 13725630 Code of Student Conduct.pdf
3/18/2011 2:17 PM 12387 DisabledStudentRegistration.pdf
10/19/2023 2:03 PM 3473772 flower.JPG
8/22/2012 9:36 PM 141824 General Assembly Constitution.doc
2/2/2016 11:37 AM 263438 Health history questionnaire 012916.pdf
3/25/2015 3:14 PM 265913 healthcenter_brochure 011515.pdf
4/1/2016 10:14 AM 265937 healthcenter_brochure 040116.pdf
4/12/2016 8:16 AM 265794 healthcenter_brochure 0401216.pdf
4/27/2011 8:55 AM 1247950 healthcenter_brochure.docx
11/15/2012 12:02 PM 62722 HealthCenterQuestionnaire-Oct. 2012.pdf
7/6/2016 7:57 AM 419459 Hepatitis B Immunization Health History Form070213A.pdf
8/29/2013 4:06 PM 2622345 Highlights.pdf
8/26/2011 2:02 PM 226127 HOMECOMING PARADE email.pdf
11/15/2012 12:02 PM 56858 ImmunizationInformation.pdf
6/1/2015 2:20 PM 2310034 insuranace 2015.pdf
6/1/2015 2:29 PM 266670 insurance pdf2.pdf
6/1/2015 3:48 PM 223876 InternationalStudentHealthInsuranceInformation.pdf
4/5/2011 9:04 AM 19218574 LegendsPictorial.pdf
12/13/2020 5:02 PM 10783 medical_history.pdf
11/15/2012 4:30 PM 58538 MeningitisandHepatitisB.pdf
12/13/2020 5:02 PM 288568 MeningococcalMSrm(4-year).pdf
8/22/2012 11:25 PM 128815 Off-Campus Speaker Policy.docx
8/23/2012 1:43 AM 36352 Operations Plan for 2012 Freshman Elections.doc
8/23/2012 1:46 AM 22289 Operations Plan for 2012 Special Elections.docx
8/22/2012 9:40 PM 231011 Organization Annual Report Form.docx
8/22/2012 9:24 PM 231306 Organization Event-Space Requisition Form.docx
8/22/2012 9:18 PM 294295 Organization Manual-Advisors Policy.docx
8/22/2012 9:13 PM 271099 Organization Manual-Anti-Hazing Policy.docx
8/22/2012 9:28 PM 301344 Organization Manual-Membership Intake Policy.docx
8/22/2012 9:31 PM 289040 Organization Manual-NPHC Greek Showcase Governing Policy.docx
8/22/2012 9:39 PM 293249 Organization Manual-Organization Membership Eligibility.docx
8/22/2012 9:21 PM 249141 Organization Manual-Programs and Activities.docx
8/22/2012 9:38 PM 274358 Organization Manual-Recognition Policy.docx
8/22/2012 11:26 PM 280075 Organization Manual-Registration Policy.docx
8/22/2012 9:12 PM 66368 Organization Manual-Risk Management Policy and Agreement Form.docx
8/22/2012 9:15 PM 232074 Organization Member-Aspirant Anti-Hazing Compliance Form.docx
8/22/2012 9:34 PM 244215 Organization Membership Intake Aspirant Grade Verification Form.docx
8/22/2012 9:32 PM 247866 Organization Membership Intake Request Form .docx
8/22/2012 9:08 PM 153736 Organization Membership Roster Form.doc
8/22/2012 9:26 PM 235448 Organization Off-Campus Event Approval Form.doc
8/22/2012 9:03 PM 234873 Organization Registration Form.docx
8/26/2011 1:44 PM 80896 OrganizationRegistrationForm2011.doc
8/22/2012 8:45 PM 6365551 Organizations and Advisors Manual 2012-2013.pdf
8/26/2011 2:20 PM 44032 OrgGradeForm.doc
12/13/2020 5:02 PM 74243 OrgRegistrationFlyer.doc
8/22/2012 9:27 PM 149504 Post-Event Evaluation Form.doc
2/7/2012 2:48 PM 28160 Program Evaluation Form.doc
9/27/2011 12:20 PM 26112 Program Event Evaluation Form.doc
11/15/2012 3:05 PM 62584 QuestionnaireUpdatedOct2012.pdf
8/23/2012 1:45 AM 15212 SEC 2012 Freshman Elections Application.docx
8/23/2012 1:47 AM 15438 SEC 2012 Special Elections Application.docx
7/1/2023 1:52 PM 1909 Slideshow-Tags.txt
7/24/2013 8:04 AM 26112 Special_Elections.doc
2/7/2012 2:48 PM 32768 Student Activities Facility Request Form.doc
12/13/2020 5:02 PM 1217785 Student_Handbook_2012_08.pdf
8/4/2020 9:57 AM 2283823 StudentHandbook.pdf
1/9/2013 2:03 PM 775209 StudentHandbook2013.pdf
11/3/2015 4:08 PM 5672968 StudentHandbook2015.pdf
4/5/2011 9:04 AM 19218570 TheLegendsPictorial.pdf
1/30/2012 3:16 PM 37888 Tiger Pantry Order Form.doc
1/18/2012 3:44 PM 116224 TigerGem Application.doc
1/18/2012 3:44 PM 46080 TSU Cheer Application.doc
6/11/2012 8:05 AM 111144 TSU Student Government Association Constitution.pdf
1/18/2012 3:50 PM 20449 TSU Tiger.png