Degree Programs

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Bachelor of Science (BS) degree is offered with a concentration in:

  • Exercise Science
  • Physical Education-Teacher Education
  • Health Education-Teacher Education


A Minor
is offered in:


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Master of Science (MS) degree is offered in:






ImageRetentions/Graduation Requirements

The Department of Human Performance Sport Sciences (HPSS) offers three undergraduate concentrations and two graduate concentrations.  The Graduate Catalog should be checked for information on the master's degree concentrations in Sports Administration and Exercise Science.

Completions of the undergraduate curricula terminate in a bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degre. Retention requires that students meet all specific mimimum hours for graduation with a GPA of 2.0 or higher in its programs.  A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better may qualify a major for graduation with only one D recorded in the major core.

Teacher Education candidates are required to pass the Proxis Core Examination and to acheive a cumulative GP of 2.75 before applying for admission into the Teacher Education Program. Teacher Education admission requirements are furtehr specified in the introductory material included under the general heading: The College of Education.