Subpoena Information

Receipt of a Subpoena

Employees are sometimes served a subpoena to testify or produce University related records. The Office of the General Counsel (including the General Counsel) does not typically accept service of a subpoena on behalf of University employees. The Office of the General Counsel also does not accept service of a subpoena on behalf of students.

Served with a Subpoena - Steps to Follow:

If you are an employee and presented a subpoena to testify in connection with your position as an employee or if a subpoena commands you to appear to produce University records (Subpoena Duces Tecum), please follow the steps below:

Step 1

Before signing anything, check and confirm to see if your name is on the subpoena. If your name is not on the subpoena, do NOT sign the subpoena accepting service.  Do NOT accept service on anyone's behalf or on behalf of a department. 


Step 2

If your name is on the subpoena, you may sign the subpoena accepting service. If you are served with a subpoena in your official capacity (as an employee of the University), it is imperative that you immediately contact the General Counsel’s Office at 615-963-7923; Time is of the Essence.


Step 3

The General Counsel will advise you regarding your obligations and/or the institution’s obligations and any measures to be taken in response to the subpoena.


 Remember: It is imperative that you contact the Office of the General Counsel if you are subpoenaed.

 Please contact the Office of The General Counsel for any questions regarding subpoenas.


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