Languages, Literature and Philosophy

Tap into the Power of Language
Define Your Future

I Want to Write Workshop

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. It is a seeking that he who wishes may know the cosmic secrets of the world and they that dwell therein.”
-Zora Neale Hurston

Options are aplenty for students who major or minor in Languages, Literature, and Philosophy at TSU. You can major in English, and you can also earn your secondary teaching certification in English, Spanish, or French.

You can enhance your marketability by minoring in English, Professional and Creative Writing, Philosophy, Spanish, or French. Our graduates have successfully pursued careers in education, writing and publishing, politics, law, advertising, business, public relations and more. 

Ultimately, LLP majors and minors graduate with the critical reading, writing and communication skills needed to succeed as active, educated participants in our communities, country, and world.

Read news about our student and faculty activities and learn more about our faculty.  Feel free to drop by and visit us. We have moved locations! WE ARE NOW LOCATED IN JACKSON HALL, Room 220.

Languages, Literature, and Philosophy
Tennessee State University
3500 John A Merritt Blvd
Nashville, TN 37209-1561

Administrative Assistant - 615-963-5641
Administrative Assistant - 615-963-5664
615-963-5725 - FAX