Mission & Vision

Our Core Values



The mission of the Tennessee State University School of Nursing is to provide educational access for all students. Through the integration of technological innovations, collaborative practice and evidence-based practice strategies these individuals are prepared to be future leaders in the promotion of global health in various communities.


The vision of the School of Nursing is to create a learning environment that promotes excellence in education, scholarship and collaborative practice in various communities and global health.


The School of Nursing identifies core values which are: caring, collaboration, ethical conduct, and holism.

  • Caring is a moral imperative, a state of mind, display of compassion, and a force that drives intervention.
  • Collaboration is to work in a cooperative manner whether leader or team member.
  • Ethical conduct is acting with integrity, complying with laws/policies and in accordance with the nationally recognized codes of conduct, and accepted standards of nursing practice.
  • Holism is a dynamic process which demonstrates care for the entire client and addressing all aspect of their well-being inclusive of physical, psychological and social components.