Travel Resources, Guidelines & Instructions
Travel Guidelines & Reminders
- Travel funds are not automatically guarenteed, students should ensure approval before making travel arrangements
- Students are responsible for completing all documents on time according to the timelines listed below and ensure accuracy of their submissions
- All documents must be submitted in order for travel to be considered for approval and processing
- Title III funds will cover travel the day before the conference or speaking engagement begins, but return date should be the same day conference or speaking engagement ends in order for travel to be considered for approval/reimbursement
- For expenses to be covered, it must fall within the dates submitted with travel forms
- All travel documents, questions, or concerns should be sent to Kiara Tookes-Williams (, Title III GA
Steps for Approval and Reimbursement (No international travel will be approved)
- Step 1: Students MUST gain approval from immediate supervisor to ensure that travel will be covered through Title III funds
- Step 2: Students should submit a completed travel packet at least 45 days before travel date
- Ensure ALL signatures are included on ALL forms
- Step 3: Travel Claims MUST be submitted within 30 days of the travel return date
Travel Packet Instructions & Documents Needed
- Please explain in detail the purpose of travel and be sure to include the objectives of Title III that is being fulfilled
- Ensure supervisor's signature is included on the form in the "President or Designee" field next to "Traveler's Signature" field
- Add $100 to hotel total & flight total when completing this form
- Put $100 for Baggage and for Taxi
TSU Student Travel and Event Release Form
- Please ensure your supervisor sign's the bottom of the form in the field that says "Signature of Tennessee State University Representative"
Please explain in detail the purpose of travel and be sure to include the objectives of Title III that is being fulfilled
- Sample Objective that can be used & adapted for your travel: "Attending the ________ conference will support the POTUS Fellows requirements. Objective(s): Develop career roadmaps to promote and enhance the career preparation of (your field) students and professionals for a wide range of career options, increase and communicate the value of membership, leading to strong recruitment and retention of members, and increase engagement with student communities and expand the reach of student serving programs, products, and services."
- Ensure supervisor's signature is included on the form in the correct field, "Signature of Immediate Supervisor"
Please explain in detail the purpose of travel and be sure to include the objectives of Title III that is being fulfilled
Per Diem Rates for Meals
- Mileage (1 of 2 Screenshots Needed)
Mileage on Weekday Travel (Monday - Friday)
- TSU Main Campus to Nashville Airport (if flying) OR Destination (if driving)
Mileage on Weekend Travel Start Dates (Saturday & Sunday)
- Home Address to Nashville Airport (if flying) OR Destination (if driving)
Mileage on Weekday Travel (Monday - Friday)
Mileage (2 of 2 Screenshots Needed)
- Screenshot from Destination (if driving) OR Nashville Airport (if flying back) to Home Address
Hotel Reservation Screenshot (total & check in/out dates must be included)
Flight Information Screenshot (dates of flights and total must be included)
Conference Announcement (dates should be included)
- Rental Car Information
- Rental Cars will ONLY be covered for the days submitted on travel documents
- Gas will be covered only for days submitted on travel documents
- If rental car is utilized, only the cost of the rental car will be reimbursed and not mileage
- You cannot get a rental car if you are flying to your destination, so you must choose to either fly OR get a rental car in order to get reimbursed through Title III
Travel Claim Instructions & Documents Needed
Travel Claim Form
- Ensure supervisor's signature is included at the bottom of the form where it says "Official Station" and ensure they put their position next to their signature and date, which is all in the same box on the form
- Each expense should be listed on its own separate line (For example, when listing hotel total, the first night base rate should be listed on one line, then the next line should have the room tax for that same night and continue listing each item separately until full hotel stay has been listed out.)
- Expenses should be listed in order by date and ensure there is an explanation listed in the far right column that explains what that expense was
- Per diem rates for food should be listed out separately as well by date
- List first & last day travel per diem rates in the "75%" column and any days in between will be listed in the "100%" column
- All travel claims must be completed within 30 days of the travel return date listed on the travel requisition
- Receipts for all expenses, except for meals, should be included in the email when submitting a travel claim
- All totals submitted on the travel claim should match totals on receipts submitted
- If taxi's, uber's, etc. are utilized while on trip, only the total amount of the trip will be covered. TIPS WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED!
- Lyft/Uber priority pick up will not be honored or reimbursed
- Trips ONLY to the airport & hotel will be reimbursed, no trips outside of this will be reimbursed through Title III
Drop in Zoom Assistance with Travel Documents
- Please feel free to click this Zoom link & drop in to receive assistance with Kiara Tookes - Williams on Monday's (8:15am - 9:45am) & Thursday's (1:00pm - 2:30pm)
Please reach out to Kiara Tookes-Williams via email ( if you would like to schedule a meeting for further assistance or if there are any questions or concerns.
**All instructions and guidelines MUST be followed in order for travel to be covered through Title III funds**
Other Resources for Current Fellows
Forms & Documents
- Graduate Assistant Application
- Student Travel Documents
- Travel Requisition
- Instructions for SciQuest Travel
- Title III GA Expectations
- Supply Order Form
- Instructions for Confirming Classes
- Direct Deposit Authorization Form
General Professional Resources
- The PhD Student's Guide to Fellowships:
- Job openings in higher education:
- USA Pathway positions for current students: USDA Internships
- USA positions for recent graduates: USDA Jobs
- NOAA Pathway Program:
- Education and career training:
- Scientist in the Classroom Partnership Program: More information and digital application
- Vanderbilt Collaborative for STEM Education and Outreach:
- The Palgrave Handbook of Educational Thinkers (Call for Proposals):
- Talent Development and Innovation in Sciences(TDIS) Summer Internship Program
- Best Online Guide of Scholarships and Resources for Minority Master's Students -
Private Funding Sources
- Fastweb:
- National Academy of Sciences:
- Science Policy Fellowship
- Humanities and Social Sciences Online:
- The Hertz Foundation:
- IBM:
- The National GEM Consortium:
- Pathways to Science:
- Peterson's:
- The Scientist in the Classroom Partnership:
- Social Work Scholarships:
U.S. Government Funding Sources
- Fulbright Program:
- National Science Foundation:
- U.S. Department of Energy: