Summer L.A.F Clinic 2025 


Language, Articulation, and Fluency (L.A.F.) Summer Clinic LAF FLYER


Since 2007, the TSU Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology has been offering assessment and intensive intervention services during the summer to children who have language, articulation, and fluency disorders. The L.A.F. clinic provides in-person, group-based services to children from ages 5-13. Our summer clinic runs for six weeks on Mondays through Thursdays, from 9:00-3:00. 


Our services are delivered by graduate-level clinicians who are supervised by certified Speech-Language Pathologists. We provide services to children who are located in Nashville and the surrounding areas. 


IN-PERSON CLINIC: The Harold R. Mitchell Speech & Language Clinic is located on the Tennessee State University Avon Williams Campus in Suite N200.  Upon entering the building, Suite N200 is immediately to the right.  Please speak with the Administrative Assistant to receive parking passes and directions to the designated classrooms for the L.A.F. Clinic.

                   Address: 330 10th Ave. North, Nashville, TN 37203


IN-PERSON CLINIC-The L.A.F clinic runs Monday through Thursday from 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. The program dates are June 16, 2025-July 24, 2025. The program runs from Monday-Thursday. This is an intensive program and clients stay for the entire day (9:00-3:00).  


TSU LAF clients will be placed into one of three groups based on their age: Tiger Cubs, Junior Tigers, and Tigers.   

Apply Here

Contact Person:

  • Dr. Danielle Watson (615)-963-7092    Email: