Doctoral Student Organization

Building Professional Networks During Doctoral Studies.  And Beyond.


The EDTL-DSO gives graduate students discuss the academic and scholarly development as they progress through their program. Workshops and social activities are designed to foster networking amongst peers, faculty, and university personnel. In addition to the information provided on this page, EDTL-DSO utilizes a portaportal to communicate information to doctoral candidates.

Contact: Juanita Crumbly-Franklin
Advisors: Dr. John Mark Hunter 

Follow EDTL-DSO on Facebook....this is a private group page! 

Spring 2015 Calendar Events

26 January - 27 February:  EDTL Ed.D. Proposal Block I
06 February:                     Doctoral Examinations, Session I
13 February:                     Doctoral Examinations, Session II
02 - 30 March:                  Ed.D. Defense Block 
09-15 March:                    Spring Break
24 March:                        Last Day to file for Doctoral Exams (Summer 2015)
30 March:                        Last Day to defend Thesis/Dissertation for May 2015 Commencement
06 -30 April:                     EDTL Ed.D. Proposal Block II
06 April - 23 August:         Summer and Fall 2015 Registration
10 April:                          Last Day to Withdraw from Courses/University
13 April:                           Last Day for electronic submission of thesis/dissertation for May 2015 graduates
30 April:                           Last Day of classes
01-07 May:                       Final Examinations
08 May:                            Graduate Commencement ceremony
12 May:                            Spring 2015 Grades Posted

Make sure that you download the Graduate School calendar to have the University dates related to exams, application deadlines, and dissertation submissions. 

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Think-Work-Serve: Scholarship in Action

Hunter, J.M., McAtee, R., Dillard, H., Paraiso, J., Stewart, A., Risto, A. (2013). Supporting doctoral candidates in non-full-time resident, non-cohort Ed.D. programs via student-led organization and social media.Round Table presented at the Eastern Educational Research Conference, February 2013, Sarasota, FL.

Hunter, J. M., Zajdel, J., & Ariño de la Rubia, L. (2013).  Instructional technology, temper, technique, and teacher empowerment in the age of accountability.  Round Table presented at the Eastern Educational Research Conference, February 2013, Sarasota, FL.

Risto, A. (2013).   "Best of Tennessee: Project Based Learning: Why and How". Presented at Central State Conference on Teaching Foreign Languages (CSCTFL) in Columbus, OH.

Zajdel, J., Ariño de la Rubia, L., & Hunter, J. M. (2013).  A mixed-methods comparison of scientific epistemological views among diverse groups of traditional and non-traditional college students.  Poster presented at the Eastern Educational Research Conference, February 2013, Sarasota, FL.

Professional Associations

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Balester, V. (2010, October 26). The Perfect Defense: The Oral Defense of a Dissertation. [YouTube video]. Retrieved on November 9, 2012 from

Graduate School (n.d.) Ed.d. COMPS Application. [Handout]

Graduate School (n.d.) Ed.D. Qualifying Exam Application [Handout]

Hunter, J.M., McAtee, R., Dillard, H., Paraiso, J., (2013). Supporting doctoral candidates in non-full-time resident, non-cohort Ed.D. programs via student-led organization and social media. [EERA Conference Handout]

Kendall, N. (n.d.) Editor and Statistician List [Handout] --- please click here to request a copy

Melton, R. and Kendall, N. (2005, December). Writing Resource Packet [Handout]

Schaefer, C. (2010, October 26). The dissertation proposal. [YouTube video]. Retrieved on November 9, 2012 from

Sims, P. (2013, February 5). Research at TSU - Institutional Review Board. [PDF Notes]

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Teaching and Learning