2022-2027 HBCU Activities
Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Enhancing Title III Operations and Processes - Dr. Andrea Tyler - The goal of the activity is to provide oversight of Title III operations, ensure compliance, demonstrate performance including expected outcomes, and the assessment and evaluation of programs.
Acquisition of Library Resources - Glenda Alvin - The project aims to support student access to scholarly electronic resources that support their research needs and to promote student success within their academic studies.
Utilizing Faculty/Staff Professional Development & Technology to Strengthen the University Culture of Assessment, Planning & Evaluation - Dr. Charlise Anderson - The philosophy of assessment at TSU focuses on continuous improvement. The project aims to (1) help TSU manage the key aspects of institutional effectiveness and demonstrate compliance with best practices during both the programmatic and institutional accreditation review processes; (2) support the improvement of student learning and the student learning experience, and (3) support the University’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan Pathways to Excellence; more specifically Institutional.
The SHOWcase Project: Social Sciences Humanities and Occupations Work Together - Dr. Samantha Morgan-Curtis and Dr. Joel Dark - The project seeks to enhance the academic quality of courses and programs in the College of Liberal Arts by strengthening (1) their emphasis on career-relevant knowledge, skills, and experiences and (2) their connection to authentic career experiences and opportunities.
Connect, Assess, Develop, Engage, Navigate, Create, Excel (CADENCE) - Melody Cottingham - The project seeks to promote student success through holistic and integrative advisement, which includes improved utilization of academic and student support resources and integration of educational and career planning with first-time freshmen and graduating seniors.
Faculty and Staff Success Initiative - Dr. Cheryl Seay and Dr. Eric Schmeller - The project is aimed at improving faculty access to training, professional development, and continuing education through the formalization of onboarding, access to ongoing educational/academic opportunities, and streamlined virtual/in-person workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. The program seeks to create a holistic initiative for professional development. Please click on the link for more information about Gateway to 8.
Passionate About Student Success (P.A.S.S.) Tutoring - Dr. Belinda T. Lee - The project aims to strengthen and expand student support services through the provision of faculty and on-line tutorial support designed to improve academic success. Please click on the link for more information about P.A.S.S.
Restore, Inspire, Sustain & Educate (RISE) Support Center Coaching/Tutoring Completion Plan - Dr. Johnnie Smith - This project will serve as best practice to enhance services for all students, specifically for sophomores, juniors, and seniors, which will strengthen retention and increase graduation rates. The project aims to (1) promote student success through holistic advising, workshops, improved utilization of academic and student support resources and (2) integrate Degree Works, 60/90 benchmark and career opportunities serving sophomores, juniors, and seniors through degree completion.
Accelerated STEM Pathway Program - Lalita Hodges - The project goal is to prepare minority students interested in STEM to earn a B.S. degree in biology and enter medical, dental or healthcare programs. TSU will enroll a minimum of 20 future healthcare professionals annually.
Global, Retention, Advising, Coaching, Intervention, Education (G.R.A.C.I.E.) - Dr. Rhonda Stewart - The project offers ongoing personalized student tutorials and test preparation sessions with students who plan to take the CORE I and Praxis CORE II Exams or students who need to increase their knowledge and skills in specific courses. Personalized learning is an educational approach that tailors learning around each student's needs, interests, and abilities.
Project REACH (Reinforcing Educational Advancement for Careers in Health): Increasing Minority Representation in Allied Professions through Improvement in Academic Preparation - Ronald Barredo and Dr. Mohamed Kanu - The goal of this project is to improve the academic preparedness of lower-division (freshman and sophomore) underrepresented minority students who are applying to allied health programs in the COHS at TSU. The activity involves students going through an academic Bootcamp on content areas that have traditionally been identified by health professions faculty as problematic for students in their programs, such as anatomy, physiology, microbiology, etc.
The Global Faculty Fellows Program - Jewell Winn and Dr. Kisha Bryan - The Global Faculty Fellows program will provide an opportunity for faculty in various departments and/or colleges to develop new academic pathways, to enhance their global connections, reimagine pedagogical practices through the internationalization of the curriculum and create projects that advance their professional goals.
Leveraging AI Technology Tools to Enhance Academic Quality and Student Support Services: A Comprehensive Approach - Dr. Robbie Melton - The project aims to improve student learning outcomes and academic performance through enhanced teaching and learning experiences with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in providing personalized support and resources to students.
Improving Self-Efficacy, Research Knowledge, and Teaching Practices Through Increased Knowledge and Partnership: The Faculty/Staff Cultural Roadmap Project - Dr. Deborah Bellamy - The project aims to sustain, maintain, and retain faculty and staff who value diversity. Through interactive engagement, faculty/staff and project administration will develop strategies and resources and implement them, ensuring that the curriculum, institutional systems and processes, and campus culture reflect the desired atmosphere of openness and plurality.
Implementation and Utilization of an IT Capability Progression Framework - Tim Warren & Sterlin Sanders - The project is designed to develop and implement an IT Capability Progression Framework at Tennessee State University that will systematically enhance and align IT capabilities with the institution's strategic goals. This framework will serve as a structured model to assess current IT performance, identify areas for improvement, and provide a roadmap for future development.
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Title III