Now Enrolling Summer Camps!
African American children ages
8 – 13
and at risk for adult obesity to participate in the
Youth Active and Media Savvy (YAMS) in partnership with
TSU SNAP-Ed Program
Summer Camp
This program is designed to help expand your child's knowledge, skills, and awareness to make better health and wellness choices.
This interactive summer program promotes self-confidence and healthy living, as your child learns and engages in activities that explore media influence on dietary behaviors and sedentary lifestyles, as well as nutrition, physical activity/exercise, and weight maintenance.
This year the program is 3-weeks long and will serve youth ages 8-13. Camp is Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM to 4 PM.
Dates: July 11 – 28, 2016
*Registration fee: $25.00 - Non-refundable; reserves space.
Cost: $75.00 – to pay for field trips, t-shirt, and water bottle.
*Reduced cost for more than one child and low-income families.
There is no cost for the daily breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and beverages.
Camp Flyer
Join Us!
Each day, campers get:
* A healthy breakfast * Two snacks
* Cooking lessons * Healthy lunch
* 60 minutes of physical activity
* Campers receive leadership and team building skills at the Ashland City Agriculture Research and Education Center (AREC).
Campers receive nutrition education lessons on the campus of Tennessee State University.