Agricultural Business and Education

Today’s agribusiness industry has become highly complex, volatile, and competitive as a result of technology-driven globalization, size and structure of firms, and changing consumer demand. The variety, quality, and quantity of products and services are undergoing strategic transformations in the agribusiness marketplace.

The need for specially-trained experts in the competitive landscape of food and agribusiness is rapidly increasing. We need to develop professionals and experts with the knowledge and skills that are vital in helping agri-food sectors and rural economies. Agribusiness provides training in economics and business management principles related to the production, distribution, marketing, and consumption of food and agricultural goods and services.

Our experienced faculty members offer challenging academic instruction and the program has a strong applied-research component, as all faculty members are engaged in both basic and applied research in their specialized areas of study.

Cutting-edge, multidisciplinary and timely research is being performed in the broad areas of Agribusiness/ Agricultural Economics including agri-food systems, economics and policy, agricultural marketing, consumer behavior, finance, agribusiness strategy, renewable energy, and statistical analysis of agricultural data.

The College of Agriculture offers several financial awards designed to assist students with funding their education. Students can apply for the Dean’s Scholars, High Achievers or Leadership Development programs. For more information, contact Outreach Coordinator Keisha Macklin at (615) 963-6520 or email her at

Marketing Director • Collateral Analyst • Professor • Agribusiness Underwriter • Financial and Data Analyst • Agribusiness Risk Analyst • Farm Manager Operations Supervisor • Extension Educator • Agribusiness Credit Analyst • Inspector • Marketing Specialist • Commodity Analyst • Precision Ag Coordinator • Farm Appraiser • Food and Health Economist • Quality Controller • Agricultural Policy Analyst • Commodity Marketer • Agribusiness Risk Analyst • Commercial Portfolio Manager





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and discover the heart of our exciting TSU Tiger community.

Apply for admission, request information, or contact Tennessee State University today.

Undergraduate Admissions
P. O. Box 9609
Nashville, TN 37209

888-463-6878 toll-free
615-963-5101 voice
615-963-2930 fax


  Graduate Admissions
P.O. Box 145
Nashville, TN 37209

615-963-7371 voice
  615-963-7219 fax



Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Agricultural Sciences
(concentration in Agribusiness)

Master of Science (M.S.) in Agricultural Sciences
(concentration in Agribusiness Management and Analysis)

Master of Science (M.S.) in Agricultural Sciences
(concentration in Food Marketing and Supply Chain Management)


Student 2 “The undergraduate program in Agribusiness has prepared me as an expert with comprehensive knowledge and skills for a business career in
the agricultural food industry. ”
Firuz Yuldashev
Graduate Student
“Agribusiness is a dynamic, growing field. I’ve gained the experience needed to move forward in my career.”
Allena Rouse
Graduate Student

Why Agribusiness?

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College of Ag