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Dr. Dharma Pitchay
Dharma Pitchay
Professor and Director
Agricultural Research and Education Center
Department of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering
College of Agriculture
Contact Information
Office Location: 202M Farrell-Westbrook Complex
Telephone: 615-963-4890
FAX: 615-963-1557
Email: dpitchay@tnstate.edu
Research Areas
Plant nutrition, sustainable organic farming, greenhouse/plasticulture production and tropical horticulture
Most Significant Publications
Pitchay, D.S. and Diaz-Perez, J.C. 2008. Is it possible to produce healthy organic herbal plug seedlings through different proportions of organic materials? Acta Hort. (ISHS) 782:215-222. http://www.actahort.org/books/782/782_25.htm
Pitchay, D.S., Jonathan M. Frantz and James C. Locke, Charles R. Krause and George CJ, Fernandez. 2007. Impact of Applied Nitrogen Concentration on Growth of Elatior Begonia and New Guinea Impatiens and Susceptibility of Begonia to Botrytis cinerea. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 132(2):193–201.
Díaz-Pérez, J.C., Silvoy, J., Phatak, S.C., Pitchay, D.S. and Morse, R. 2008. Organic Tomato Transplanting Production in Compost -Amended Substrate. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 782:241-244.
Frantz, J., Locke, J.C., Pitchay, D.S. 2007. Improving Growth of Calibrachoa in Hanging Flower Pouches. HortTechnology. 17(2): 199 – 204.
Frantz, J., Locke, J.C., Pitchay, D.S., Krause, C.R. 2005. Actual performance versus theoretical advantages of polyacrylamide hydrogel throughout bedding plant production. Hortscience 40(7):2040-2046.
Frantz, J., Pitchay, D.S., Locke, J.C., Horst, L., C.R. Krause 2005. Foliar Silica Deposition in New Guinea Impatiens. Plant Health Progress. Available:
Arora, R., Pitchay, D.S., and Bearce, B.C.1998. Water stress induced tolerance in geraniums leaf tissue:Evidence for cross adaptation. Physiol. Plantarum103:24-34.
James L. Gibson, Pitchay, D.S., Amy L. Rhodes, Brian E. Whipker, Paul V. Nelson, and John M. Dole. 2007. Nutrient Deficiencies of Bedding Plants: A Pictorial Guide for Identification with Corrective Procedures. Ball Publishing, Batavia Illinois, USA
Mineral Nutrition in Plants – graduate level course
Greenhouse Operation and Management – undergraduate
Developed and extended vegetables, ornamentals and tropical fruits best management cultural practices to growers.
Developed and extended cultural techniques of plant propagation and, nursery and greenhouse operation and management.
Outreach technical advisory services on fertility management of plantation crops such as coconut (Cocos nucifera), oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) & cocoa (Theobroma cacao).
Awards & Honors
Award 2007 from the USA President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation
Brochure award for 2001 by the American Society of Horticultural Science for Outstanding Extension Publication
Leaflet award for 2001 by the American Society of Horticultural Science for Outstanding Extension Publication
Pi Alpha Xi, Honor Society of Horticulture.
Gamma Sigma Delta, Honor Society of Agriculture
Working Group Chair 2008 - Seed & Stand Establishment, American Society for Horticultural Science
B. Agric. Sc. University of Agriculture, Malaysia
M.S. (Horticultural Sc.) West Virginia University
Ph.D. (Horticultural Sc.) North Carolina State University
Date joined staff: 2008
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