Jason de Koff image

  Jason P. de Koff
  Extension Professor
  Program Leader - Agriculture and Natural Resources
  Department of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering
  College of Agriculture



Contact Information
Office Location:  105 Agricultural Biotechnology Building
Telephone:  615-963-4929
FAX:  615-963-5833
Email:  jdekoff@tnstate.edu

Research Areas
Winter canola, biofuel crop production, sustainable agriculture, soil chemistry

Research Publications
McDade, A., T. Broyles, J. de Koff, S. Nahashon, T. Tabler, and P. Maharjan.  2024.  Assessing poultry knowledge and identifying the needs of small flock poultry on Tennessee farms: A county-based survey.  Int. J. Poult. Sci. 23:13-20.  https://doi.org/10.3923/ijps.2024.13.20

Chen, Y, D. Young, J.P. de Koff, and K. Britwum.  2023.  Extension agents’ perceptions, practices, and needs of urban forestry: A case study from Tennessee, United States.  Sustainability 15, 15328.  https://doi.org/10.3390/su152115328

de Koff, J.P.  2023.  Effectiveness of a remote pilot certification training for agricultural professionals.  Natural Sciences Education 52(2) https://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20121

Saini, P., J.P. de Koff, S. Rakshit.  2023.  In-situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopy for evidencing the adsorption mechanism of ammonium on a pinewood-derived biochar.  Agricultural and Environmental Letters 8(1) https://doi.org/10.1002/ael2.20097

Gill, T., S.K. Gill, D.K. Saini, Y. Chopra, J.P. de Koff, and K.S. Sandhu.  2022.  A comprehensive review of high throughput phenotyping and machine learning for plant stress phenotyping.  Phenomics, 1-28.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s43657-022-00048-z

McGeary, K.D., J.P. de Koff, B. Pokharel, R. Link, P. Saini, and T. Gill.  2022. Effect of winter canola cultivar on seed yield, oil, and protein content.  Agrosystems, Geosciences, & Environment https://doi.org/10.1002/agg2.20254

Saini, P., J.P. de Koff, R. Link, and C. Robbins.  2021.  Soil health beneath amended switchgrass: Effects of biochar and nitrogen on active carbon and wet aggregate stability.  Sustainability 13(13):7176 https://doi.org/10.3390/su13137176

de Koff, J.P.  2021.  Utilizing teaching technologies for higher education in a post-COVID-19 environment.  Natural Sciences Education 50(1) https://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20032

de Koff, J.P., and T. Broyles.  2019.  Extension agents' perceptions of climate change and training needs.  Natural Sciences Education 48:1-9.  doi:10.4195/nse2019.01.0001.

Tetteh, E., J.P. de Koff, B. Pokharel, R. Link, and C. Robbins.  2019.  Effect of winter canola cultivar on seed yield, oil, and protein content.  Agron. J. 111:1-10. doi:10.2134/agronj2018.08.0494

Illukpitiya, P., and J.P. de Koff.  2019.  An economic assessment of nutrient removal from switchgrass production.  Research in Applied Economics 11(2):26-38. doi: 10.5296/rae.v11i2.14998

Hui, D., C.-L. Yu, Q. Deng, P. Saini, K. Collins, and J. de Koff.  2018.  Weak effects of biochar and nitrogen fertilization on switchgrass photosynthesis, biomass, and soil respiration.  Agriculture 8:1-12.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/agriculture8090143

Li, J.  S. Jian, J.P. de Koff, C.S. Lane, G. Wang, M.A. Mayes, and D. Hui.  2018. Differential effects of warming and nitrogen fertilization on soil respiration and microbial dynamics in switchgrass croplands.  GCB Bioenergy 1-12. doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12515

de Koff, J.P.  2017.  Drones in Extension programming: Implementation of adult and youth activities.  Journal of Extension 55(6):6FEA6.  Available at: https://www.joe.org/joe/2017december/pdf/JOE_v55_6a6.pdf

de Koff, J.P., J.C. Ricketts, C. Robbins, P. Illukpitiya, and A. Wade.  2017.  Meeting stakeholder energy technology education needs using a mobile demonstration.  Journal of Extension 55(6):6FEA8.  Available at:  https://www.joe.org/joe/2017december/pdf/JOE_v55_6a8.pdf

Saini, P., J.P. de Koff, A. Allison, and C. Hamilton.  2017.  Changes in lignocellulosic polymers, carbon and energy in switchgrass for bioenergy production.  Agronomy Journal 109:1-9.  doi:10.2134/agronj2017.02.0063

Aziz, A., F. Tegegne, J.P. de Koff, and R. Wiemers.  2017.  Biofuel training workshops for diverse stakeholders ranging from pre-college students to educators.  Natural Sciences Education 46. doi:10.4195/nse2016.11.0033Akinya,

Illukpitya, A., P. and J.P. de Koff.  2016.  Economic analysis of small scale on-farm production of biodiesel and vegetable oil for industrial use from winter oilseed crops.  Journal of Global Agriculture and Ecology 5(1):19-29.

de Koff, J.P., A. Allison.  2015.  Changes in nutrient characteristics of switchgrass for bioenergy.  Agronomy Journal 107:2401-2409.

de Koff, J.P., P.A. Moore, Jr., R.D. Williams, R. Young, and P.J.A. Kleinman. 2013. Utilizing water treatment residuals to reduce phosphorus runoff from biosolids. J. Environ. Sci. and Eng. A 2:405-41

de Koff, J.P., P.A. Moore, Jr., S.J. Formica, M. Van Eps, and P.B. DeLaune. 2011. Effects of pasture renovation on hydrology, nutrient runoff, and forage yield. J. Environ. Qual. 40:320-328

de Koff, J.P., B.D. Lee, R.S. Dungan, and J.B. Santini.  2010.  Effect of compost-, sand-, or gypsum-amended waste foundry green sands on turfgrass yield and nutrient content.  J. Environ. Qual.  39:375-383.

de Koff, J.P., B.D. Lee, and R.S. Dungan.  2008.  Amelioration of physical strength in waste foundry green sands for reuse as a soil amendment.  J. Environ. Qual.  37:2332-2338.

de Koff, J., M.A. Anderson, and C. Amrhein.  2008.  Geochemistry of iron in the Salton Sea, California.  Hydrobiologia604:111-121.

Dungan, R.S., B.D. Lee, P. Shouse, and J.P. de Koff.  2007.  Saturated hydraulic conductivity of soils blended with waste foundry sands.  Soil Science 172(10):751-758.

de Koff, J.P., R.C. Graham, K.R. Hubbert, and P.M. Wohlgemuth.  2006.  Pre- and post- fire erosion of soil nutrients within a chaparral watershed.  Soil Science 171(12):915-928.

PI – Southern SARE Education Grant, Soil SMaRTS 2: Virtual farm tours for enhanced and inclusive learning about soil health.  $44,864, Project duration 2024 – 2026.

Co-PI – USDA-NIFA Capacity Building Grant, Growing Future Climate-resilient Urban Forests from an Equity Perspective. $500,000, Project duration 2024 – 2027.

Co-PI – US DOE, Biochar-enhanced Ecosystem Services for Energy Crop Systems in the Southeast. $4,551,944 Project duration 2024 – 2029.

Co-PI, NSF Engines Type 1: Greening the Southeast: Converting carbon neutral crops to sustainable consumer goods while building a diverse agriscience workforce and reviving rural economies.  $1,000,000 Project duration 2023 – 2025.

Co-PI, USDA-NRCS Climate Smart Commodities, Climate Smart Grasslands – the Root of Agricultural Carbon Markets.  $33,544,848 Project duration 2023 – 2028.

Co-PI, USDA-NIFA Small and Mid-Sized Farms of the AERC Program, Managing pasture rotation in a small flock free range egg-type breed using drone technology.  $300,000 Project duration 2023 – 2025.

Co-PI, USDA-NIFA Centers of Excellence at 1890 Institutions, Center for Innovation and Sustainability for Small Farms, Ranches, and Forest Lands (CISFRL) Thrust Area 1: Farm Commodity, Process & Systems.  Award number 2020-38427-31515, $55,000, Project duration 2020 – 2021.

Co-PI, NSF HBCU-UP Excellence in Research, Excellence in Research: Mechanistic Prediction of Soil Microbial Response to Temperature Change.  Award number 1900885, $999,429, Project duration 2019-2022.

Co-PI, USDA-NIFA Capacity Building Grant, Improving Production and Profitability of Nursery Production Using an Unmanned Aircraft System.  Award number 2019-38821-29062, $599,925, Project duration 2019-2021.

PI, Southern SARE Professional Development Program, Soil SMaRTS (Specific Management and Resources Training for Sustainability) for soil health in Tennessee.  Award number ES18-141, $77,414, Project duration 2018-2020.

PI, USDA-NIFA Capacity Building Grant, Building Extension Capacity by Developing Relevant Opportunities for Novel Experiences (DRONEs) in Agriculture.  Award number 2018-38821-27763, $249,147, Project duration 2018-2021.

Co-PI, NSF GEOPATHS, TSU-Vanderbilt Partnership – A Pathway to Broaden Participation of Underrepresented Groups in Graduate School and the Geoscience Workforce.  Award number 1801389, $350,000, Project duration 2018-2021.

PI, Southern SARE Professional Development Program, Sustainable ACEs (Agriculture, Curricula, Energy) for Tennessee. Award number ES14-121, $77,757, Project duration 2015-2017.

PI, USDA-NIFA Capacity Building Grant, Building Extension Capacity Using a Mobile Biodiesel Production Platform.  Award number 2012-38821-20283, $249,744, Project duration 2012-2015.

Co-PI, USDA-NIFA Capacity Building Grant, Identification and modulation of functional protein association networks for drought tolerance in switchgrass.  Award number 2012-38821-19989, $499,995, Project duration 2012-2015.

Co-PI, USDA-NIFA Capacity Building Grant, Biofuel Education and Training Program with Infusion of Foundation Concepts and Outreach.  Award number 2013-38820-21450, $150,000, Project duration 2013-2015.

Co-PI, USDA 2501 Outreach Assistance to Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers (OASDFR) Competitive Grants Program, Award number 59-2501-11-022, $400,000, Project duration 2011-2013.

AGSC 5110 – Research Methods
AGSC 5180 – Soil Taxonomy
SWSC 100 – Introduction to Soil Science Laboratory
ENSC 2204 – Soil Science

Assist producers in biofuel crop production, soil health, drone technology
Lead seminars and workshops for Extension agents and producers related to biofuel crops

Extension Publications
de Koff, J.P., and J. Howard.  2024.  Drone applicator technology.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B25.  Available at:  https://www.tnstate.edu/extension/documents/Applicator.pdf

Saini, P., and J.P. de Koff.  2023.  Using drones in forestlands and nurseries.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B24.  Available at:  https://www.tnstate.edu/extension/documents/Forestlands.pdf

de Koff, J.P., and P. Saini.  2022.  Using drones in animal production.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B23.  Available at:  https://www.tnstate.edu/extension/documents/DroneAnimal.pdf

Yuldashev, F., and J.P. de Koff.  2020.  Growing degree days.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B22.  Available at:  http://www.tnstate.edu/faculty/jdekoff/documents/GrowingDegreeDays.pdf

de Koff, J.P. 2020. Using software to capture and analyze drone images.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B21.  Available at: https://www.tnstate.edu/faculty/jdekoff/documents/DroneSoftware.pdf

de Koff, J.P. 2020. Drone and sensor options and costs.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B20.  Available at:  https://www.tnstate.edu/faculty/jdekoff/documents/DronesandSensors.pdf

de Koff, J.P.  2020.  Drone laws and regulations.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B19.  Available at:  https://www.tnstate.edu/faculty/jdekoff/documents/DroneLaws.pdf

de Koff, J.P., and P. Saini.  2020.  Agricultural uses for drones.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B18.  Available at:  https://www.tnstate.edu/faculty/jdekoff/documents/DronesinAg.pdf

Gill, T., E. Tetteh, and J.P. de Koff.  2020.  Comparison of winter canola cultivars in middle Tennessee.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B17.  Available at:  https://www.tnstate.edu/faculty/jdekoff/documents/WinterCanola.pdf

de Koff, J.P.  2020.  Measuring infiltration rate in the field.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-16.  Available at: https://www.tnstate.edu/faculty/jdekoff/documents/InfiltrationRate.pdf

de Koff, J.P., P. Illukpitiya, S. Chawla, and R. Link.  2017.  Industrial oilseed crops for Tennessee.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B15.  Available at:  https://www.tnstate.edu/extension/documents/Fact%20Sheet-Industrial%20oilseeds.pdf

de Koff, J.P.  2016.  Growing winter canola for biodiesel production.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B14.

de Koff, J.P.  2015.  Agricultural feedstocks for cellulosic ethanol and biodiesel. Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B13.

de Koff, J.P.  2015.  The state of the energy industry.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program, ANR-B12. 

de Koff. J.P.   2014.  Maximizing the biodiesel process.  Tennessee State University  Cooperative Extension Service, ANR-B8.  Available at:  /extension/documents/Maximizing%20the%20Biodiesel%20Process.pdf

Link, R., J.P. de Koff.  2014.  Cool-season pasture weeds.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Service, ANR-B7.  Available at: /extension/documents/Fact%20Sheet%20-%20Cool-season%20weeds.pdf

Link, R., J.P. de Koff.  2014.  Warm-season pasture weeds.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Service, ANR-B6.  Available at:  /extension/documents/Fact%20Sheet%20-%20Warm-season%20weeds.pdf

de Koff, J.P.  2013.  Using audience response devices for Extension programming. Journal of Extension 51(3):3TOT4  Available at: http://www.joe.org/joe/2013june/tt4.php

de Koff, J.P.  2013.  Small-scale biodiesel production.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Service, ANR-B5.  Available at:  /extension/documents/Small%20Scale%20Biodiesel%20Production.pdf

de Koff, J.P.  2013.  Native warm-season perennial grasses for drought management in forage production.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Service, ANR-B4.  Available at: /extension/documents/Native%20warm%20season%20grasses%20for%20drought%20management.pdf

de Koff, J.P.  2012.  Bioenergy from agriculture.  Tennessee State University Cooperative
Extension Service, ANR-B3.  Available at:  /extension/documents/Bioenergy.pdf

de Koff, J.P., D.S. Pitchay, and J.O. Joshua.  2012.  Leveraging university diversity to reach potential immigrant farmers.  Journal of Extension 50(4) Article IW1.

de Koff, J.P., and C. Robbins.  2012.  Calibrating seed drill seeding rates for native warm-season grasses.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Service, ANR-B2.  Available at: /extension/documents/Calibrating%20Seed%20Drill.pdf

de Koff, J.P., and D.D. Tyler.  2011.  Improving switchgrass yields for bioenergy production.  Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Service, ANR-B1; University of Tennessee Cooperative Extension Service, W271.www.tnstate.edu/agriculture/documents/W271.pdf

de Koff, J.P., B.D. Lee, and M.V. Mickelbart.  2008.  Household composting: composting with worms.  Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service.  HENV-104-W.

de Koff, J.P., B.D. Lee, and A.P. Schwab.  2007.  Avoiding arsenic exposure from treated lumber around the home.  Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service.  HENV-100-W.

de Koff, J.P., B.D. Lee, and A.P. Schwab.  2007.  Protecting your family from lead in the home.  Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service.  HENV-101-W.

de Koff, J.P., B.D. Lee, and P.L. Ziemer.  2007.  Radon: how to assess the risks and protect your home.  Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service.  HENV-102-W.

de Koff, J.P., B.D. Lee, and M.V. Mickelbart.  2007.  Household composting: methods and uses for compost.  Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service.  HENV-103-W.

Honors and Awards
American Society of Agronomy (ASA) Agronomic Education and Extension Award, 2024
Joint Council of Extension Professionals Creative Excellence Award, 2023
National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) Search for Excellence, Crop Production, National Finalist, 2022, 2023
Tennessee Association of Agricultural Agents and Specialists (TAAA&S) Communication award, Fact sheet (1st place), 2022
TAAA&S Communication award, Computer generated presentation (1st place), 2022
TAAA&S Communication award, Publication (2nd place), 2022
TAAA&S Communication award, Website (2nd place), 2022
NACAA Search for Excellence, Crop Production, National Finalist, 2021
NACAA Distinguished Service Award, 2021
TAAA&S Fletcher Sweet Communicator of the Year, 2021
TAAA&S Communication award, Fact sheet (1st place), 2021
TAAA&S Communication award, Website (1st place), 2021
TAAA&S Communication award, Feature Story (2nd place), 2021
TAAA&S Communication award, Educational Video Recording (2nd place), 2021
NACAA Communication award, Fact sheet (National Finalist), 2020
TAAA&S Communication award, Fact sheet (1st place), 2020
TAAA&S Communication award, Website (2nd place), 2020
TAAA&S Communication award, Computer generated presentation (1st place), 2019
TAAA&S Communication award, Feature story (1st place), 2019
NACAA Communication award, Learning module (Southern Regional Finalist), 2019
NIFA/APLU 1890s Region Excellence in Extension Award, 2018, 2024
ASA Educational Materials Award, 2018, 2020, 2023
Association of Extension Administrators Excellence in Extension Award, 2018, 2024
TSU Outstanding Teaching Award, 2018
TAAA&S Communication award, Fact sheet (1st place), 2018
TAAA&S Communication award, Website (1st place), 2018
TAAA&S Communication award, Program promotional piece (2nd place), 2018
TAAA&S Communication award, Video recording (2nd place), 2018
TAAA&S Communication award, Feature story (2nd place), 2018
TAAA&S Communication award, Published photo (3rd place), 2018
TAAA&S Communication award, Computer generated presentation (3rd place), 2018
American Society of Agronomy Educational Materials Award, 2017
TAAA&S Hicks Award of Excellence, 2017
NACAA Search for Excellence, Crop Production, National Finalist, 2017, 2016
TAAA&S Fletcher Sweet Communicator of the Year, 2017
TAAA&S Communication award, Learning module (1st place), 2017
TAAA&S Communication award, Fact sheet (1st place), 2017
TAAA&S Communication award, Website (1st place), 2017
TAAA&S Communication award, Program Promotional Piece (1st place), 2017
TAAA&S Communication award, Video (2nd place), 2017
TAAA&S Communication award, Feature story (3rd place), 2017
One of 20 agronomists selected to be featured in “Agronomy – Grow With it”, an agronomy textbook for students, published by the American Society of Agronomy, 2016
NACAA Achievement Award, 2016
NACAA Search for Excellence, Crop Production, National Finalist, 2016
TAAA&S Communication award, Learning module (1st place, Southeast Region), 2016
TAAA&S Communication award, Fact sheet (1st place, Tennessee), 2016
TAAA&S Communication award, Website (2nd place, Tennessee), 2016
TAAA&S Communication award, Video (3rd place, Tennessee), 2016
American Society of Agronomy Early Career Award, 2015
American Society of Agronomy Educational Materials Award, 2015
TSU Outstanding Extension Specialist Award, 2015, 2023
NACAA Search for Excellence, Crop Production State Winner, 2015
TAAA&S Communication award, Website (2nd place, Tennessee), 2015
TAAA&S Communication award, Fact sheet (3rd place, Tennessee), 2015
TSU College of Agriculture Growing Service Award, 2012
Purdue University Agronomy Extension Assistantship, 2007
Gamma Sigma Delta Agricultural Honor Society, Purdue University, 2006
George D. Scarseth Scholarship, 2005
Dean's Graduate Fellowship at University of California, Riverside, 2001
Presidential Merit Scholarship, 1996
National Honors Society, 1996

B.Sc (Chemistry)  Ithaca College
M.Sc (Soil and Water Science)  UC Riverside
Ph.D. (Agronomy)  Purdue University

Date joined staff:  2010

Complete resume available for download



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