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BADM Course Descriptions
Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTMG)
HTMG 2000: Introduction to Hospitality Management (3). This course provides an introduction to the different segments, disciplines, and potential career opportunities in the hospitality industry. Trends in the hospitality industry would be examined. Industry leaders would be featured as guest speakers.
HTMG 3000: Hospitality & Tourism Professional Skills Development (1). This course focuses on the development of a model of soft skills for hospitality & tourism leaders, application of the model into different areas within the industry, and application of the model for each student in preparation for future industry success. Prerequisite HTMG 2000.
HTMG 3500: Lodging Management (3). This course explores the managerial techniques, conditions, environment, problems, trends and issues inherent in the management of all types of lodging properties. Study of lodging facilities and the services provided throughout the guest cycle. Included are the analysis of front desk operations, front office management, marketing, reservations, data processing, guest services, security, executive housekeeping, and night auditing. A wide-ranging number of field trips to area properties are required for this course. Prerequisite: MGMT 3010
HTMG 3600: Restaurant & Food Service Management (3). Identifies the principles and crucial elements involved in the successful operation of restaurant and food service. Students are guided through the process of creating a concept, developing a menu, budgeting and controlling costs, staffing the restaurant and food service, purchasing food and equipment, bar and beverage management, daily operations and developing a marketing plan. Prerequisite: MGMT 3010, MKTG 3010
HTMG 3700: Events Management (3). This course is an exploration of the meeting and convention segment of the hospitality and tourism industry and centers on both the public and private sectors including convention and meeting centers, single and multi-purpose arenas, sport stadiums, convention bureaus and the meeting planning industry. Areas explored include planning, coordinating and managing small, medium and large group meetings, seminars, conventions, trade shows, exhibitions, sport, stage and music events, political assemblies and other special events. A key component of the course is the operational detailing required for each activity from first contact through to follow-up after the event. Prerequisite: MGMT 3010.
HTMG 3800: Hospitality Marketing and Sales Management (3). A sales-oriented course focusing on the sales process as it relates to the hospitality and events management industry. Particular attention is directed at developing a promotional plan, programs, and materials in the hospitality and events management industry and its industry segments. Students will also be introduced to concepts in revenue management. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010
HTMG 4020: Building and Facilities Management (3). A study of the interactive environmental systems that comprise a property's physical plant. Particular attention focuses upon electrical, mechanical, fluids, maintenance, engineering, security systems, fire prevention, emergency systems, safety and health protection, budget analysis, trade practices, government regulations and energy utilization and conservation. Students will be introduced to various computer software programs to control and regulate the physical plant. Prerequisite: MGMT 3020.
HTMG 4200: Food/Beverage Controls (3). This course focuses on principles of effective food, beverage and labor control system. Topics will include food safety; federal, state and local regulations and legal issues; standard determination, budget, menu pricing, cost-volume-profit analysis, and relevant computer applications. Prerequisite: HTMG 3600.
HTMG 4300: Revenue Management (3). An examination of the basic principles and concepts of revenue management. This course will focus upon dynamic pricing, forecasting, capacity management, discounting, displacement analysis and rate management. Students will learn about relevant tools and techniques in the hospitality industry. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010
HTMG 4800: Internship Practicum - I (3). This practicum is required to be completed before or during the first semester of the senior year, to satisfy the required 300 of the 600 hours of supervised employment in a hospitality firm. Students will be attached to a firm for employment at an industry properly approved in advance by the course instructor, faculty advisor and program Department Chair. The course exposes the student to the hospitality industry and allows hands-on experience under industry supervision. Weekly Internet conferences with the course instructor and a comprehensive internship report are mandatory.
HTMG 4810: Internship Practicum - II (3). This three credit course satisfies 300 hours of the total of 600 hours of supervised employment at a hospitality or events management organization approved in advance by the course instructor, faculty advisor and program Department Chair and must be satisfied prior to enrolling as a, or during the second semester senior year. Weekly Internet conferences with the course instructor and a comprehensive internship report are mandatory. Prerequisite: HTMG 3810.
Management (MGMT)
MGMT 1010: Introduction to Business (3). The structure of American business; survey of the fundamental principles of business organizations; exploration of career opportunities and professionalism in business (For freshman business students and students in other fields).
MGMT 2050: Introduction to Supply Chain Management (3): An introduction of fundamental elements and its interactions in supply chain management, including purchase and supply, operations, inventory, distribution, customer service, process integration, e-business and performance measurement along the supply chain.
MGMT 2900: Current Topics in Management (3). Explores selected areas of management, including global issues. Prerequisite: MGMT 1010 (or equivalent) or approval of the instructor.
MGMT 3010: Management and Organization Behavior (3). Effective management is a key success factor in commerce. This course focuses on the principles of managing both organizations and employees in today’s global environment. Course topics range from planning for effectiveness to the implementation of the plans, and include: organization goals, organization structure, motivation, leadership, communication, group dynamics, ethics, and managing change. Prerequisite: At least Junior standing.
MGMT 3020: Operations Management (3).An overview of the basic principles, concepts, and analytical tools involved in the design, operation, and control of operations that create goods and services, with an emphasis on the efficient use of resources. Prerequisites: Junior Standing, ECON 2040.
MGMT 3030: Management of Service Organizations (3). Decision making in service operations such as health care delivery, food/restaurant, hotel/motel, banking and finance, transportation, leisure, and government. Both conceptual framework and application of management techniques to problems peculiar to service organizations. Prerequisite: ECON 2040.
MGMT 3040: Business Decision Modeling and Analysis (3). Application of decision analysis tools in business decision making, especially in supply chain collaboration environment. Topical application areas will be drawn from all areas of business, industry, and government, including: accounting, finance, information system, investment portfolio analysis, human resources management, production of goods and services in manufacturing and service operations, quality management, and supply chain management. Prerequisites: ECON 2040.
MGMT 3100: Human Resource Management (3). This course surveys the topics that form the foundation for human resource management. The primary topics included in this course are; HR’s role in organizations, job analysis, job design, managing a diverse workforce, human resource information systems (HRIS) and employment law. An overview of the following HR processes will be included: acquiring a workforce, developing and evaluating the workforce, determining pay and rewards, and strategic HR issues. Prerequisite: Tentative or Full Admission to the College of Business, or permission of the Department.
MGMT 3200: Entrepreneurship-New Venture Creation and Management (3). Managerial and business theory functions and processes applied to small business. Emphasis will be given to problems and practices peculiar to the establishment and operation of small business enterprises. Opportunities, hazards, strategies, and objectives will be analyzed from broad managerial and specific functional aspects. Case studies, research, selected presentation by small business owners and other teaching methodologies will be used. Prerequisites: Senior standing, completion of core junior level business courses, and MGMT 3010.
MGMT 3240‑3250: Business Consulting and Entrepreneurship I and II (3, 3). Opportunities for consulting with small business or generating prospects and plans for new enterprises. Provides experience that extends and solidifies what is learned in the classroom and allows students trial and error experiences in a relatively protected environment. Lectures and discussion, but emphasis on problem solution by the student. Prerequisites: Approval of instructor, MGMT 3010, and MGMT 3200. (MGMT 3240 is prerequisite to MGMT 3250).
MGMT 3400: Business Ethics (3). Consideration of ethical, legal, and human relations dimensions in the business and nonprofit environments. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010.
MGMT 3500: E-Business Models (3). A survey of the dynamic business issues surrounding the development and emergent patterns of the electronic commercialization in the global marketplace. Included is an overview of internet development and security. Leveraging new technologies to enhance business processes, unique characteristics of e-marketing, and the legal, ethical, and regulatory issues in conducting e-business. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010. Cross-listed with MKTG 3500.
MGMT 3550: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems (3). Planning and control systems for product and service flows in the supply chain. . Extended ERP- the management of inter-enterprise business processes like Customer Relationship Management and Supply Chain Management as well as analytical applications. Integration of management, sales, marketing, finance, operations, e-business technology to create a true customer-focused strategy in Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) markets. Prerequisite: MGMT 3050; or MGMT 3020 may be taken as a pre-requisite or concurrently.
MGMT 4020 Quality Management (3). An integrated study of quality issues in the entire supply chain. The course will emphasize the continuous improvement of business processes, as well as the design, establishment, evaluation, and improvement of quality systems in the supply chain. Issues on Quality System Certification to meet industry and international standards shall also be addressed. Cross-listed with MKTG 4020 Prerequisite: MGMT 3010.
MGMT 4040: Organization Theory (3). Theoretical foundations for the study and analysis of organizations including theory development and important research findings. Examines aspects of various systems and behavior. Emphasis will be on the dynamics, efficiency and effectiveness of organizational systems. Prerequisite: MGMT 3010.
MGMT 4050: Organization Behavior (3).Theoretical foundations for the study and analysis of human behavior in complex social organizations and of related managerial problems and challenges. A study of management and behavioral science concepts. Techniques and research as applied toward increasing human productivity and individual and group satisfaction in organizational settings. Prerequisite: MGMT 3010.
MGMT 4060: Special Topics in Management (3). (Formerly MG 406) Research into selected areas of management. Prerequisites: MGMT 3010 or approval of the instructor.
MGMT 4070: Training and Development (3). (Formerly Industrial Relations) This course covers the process of training and development, career planning and measuring HR outcomes. Coaching, facilitating and training will be examined in the context of adult learning. Types of learning, learning theories and self-directed learning will be explored. Career planning in the context of emerging organizational forms will be presented. Prerequisite: MGMT 3010.
MGMT 4100: Performance and Compensation Administration (3).(Formerly Compensation Administration).This course includes the following compensation and rewards topics: performance evaluation, rewards beyond compensation, labor relations (impact on total rewards) and performance management. Included is an analysis of both private and public benefits; pensions, unemployment insurance, worker’s compensation. Prerequisite: MGMT3100.
MGMT 4110: Recruitment and Selection (3).(Formerly Operative Supervision).This course addresses the topics of workforce planning, recruitment, selection, organizational entry, and socialization. The impact of mergers and acquisitions on the workforce is also examined. Prerequisite: MGMT 3010.
MGMT 4120: International Business Management (3).Analysis of managerial and business theory functions and processes practiced by multinational firms. A study of the products and services, strategies, objectives, policies and organizational structures of enterprises operating in various social, economical, political, and cultural environments. Cases, research, and other teaching methodologies will be employed. Prerequisites: Senior Standing and MGMT 3010.
MGMT 4170: Seminar-Contemporary Management Innovations and Entrepreneurship (3). This course examines selected contemporary topics, management innovations, controversial issues and problem areas related to management and entrepreneurship in a global business environment. Research and review of key creative managerial innovations that revitalize dying enterprises, create new enterprises, greatly enhance products, service, profitability and growth. Prerequisites: MGMT 3010 and Senior Standing.
MGMT 4190: Employment Law and Labor Relations (3).(Formerly Collective Bargaining. Analysis of collective bargaining processes, procedures, and legislation in private and public sector organizations. Review of current and future implications for management. Labor relations, federal legislation, and the collective bargaining process; case studies and arbitration cases in public and private sectors; impact of collective bargaining on the economy, union management problems and opportunities in both the public and private sector. Prerequisite: MGMT 3010.
MGMT 4250: Leadership (3hrs). This course is a broad survey of theories of leadership with primary focus on contemporary models and the specific contexts within which leadership behaviors occur. It will examine the different mix of personal, interpersonal, technical, and conceptual skills and competencies required of leaders (a) at the supervisory, managerial, and executive levels, (b) within different organizational frameworks such as industry, academia, governmental, non-profit, and the military, and (c) within the context of the rapidly changing 21st century political, economic and technological environment. Prerequisite: MGMT 3010.
MGMT 4500: Business Strategy and Policy (3). A course which integrates the student’s knowledge of business functional area disciplines into analysis and solution of managerial and business problems. Corporate strategies, objectives, policies, ethical dilemmas, business problems, functional areas and managerial decision making are examined utilizing case studies. Particular emphasis is placed on operating in a global business environment. Prerequisites: Satisfactorily completed all other core business courses.
MGMT 4550: Strategic HR Management Capstone Course (3).(Formally MGMT 4090). This course is the capstone for the HR program. This course explores the relationship between HR and organizational strategy, globalization, outsourcing and internal consulting. Specific topics covered are managing organizational culture, change management, vender management, team building and leadership. Prerequisites: MGMT 4110or MGMT 4070.
MGMT 4600: Supply Chain Strategy (3). Planning and design of systems for goods and service flows in supply chain. Integrated supply chain strategies synthesizing supply management, production, logistics, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Use of e-business in the integration, control, and execution of business processes in the supply chain. Prerequisites: MKTG 4400 and MKTG 4300.
MGMT 4800 and 4810: Internship (3, 3). College of Business Internships are designed to provide students supervised practical learning experiences in government, business or industry. Formal proposals, project objectives, and learning plans must be reviewed and approved by the Department Chair. Student activity and progress must be monitored, evaluated and graded by an assigned full-time faculty member. Each course is three credit hours. Prerequisites: Students must be approved by the Department Chair to enroll in each course and must have full admission to the upper division in the College of Business. Specific course requirements are available from the College’s Office of the Associate Dean.
MGMT 4990: Independent Study in Business (1‑3).A course which allows outstanding students to investigate, in depth, approved business topics of the students’ choice. Studies will be coordinated by a senior member of the departmental faculty. Prerequisite: Approval by Department Chair before registering.
Marketing (MKTG)
MKTG 2900: Current Topics in Marketing (3). Explores selected areas of marketing, including global issues. Pre-requisite: MGMT 1010 (or equivalent) or approval of the instructor.
MKTG 3010: Basic Marketing (3). A comprehensive overview of the process employed by profit and nonprofit organizations of marketing goods, services, and ideas. The modern marketing objective is customer satisfaction at a profit (or other measure of success) through product, distribution, promotion, and price. This study of basic marketing concepts and terminology is set in the real-world context of the organization, competition, the economy, regulation, culture/society, and technology. Prerequisites: Junior standing and ECON 2020, or consent of the Department Chair.
MKTG 3200: Sales Management (3). The course covers the nature of the basic selling function as well as salesperson selection, training, compensation, supervision, motivation. In addition, this course touches on how to determine sales budgets, quotas, territory designs, and sales analysis. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010.
MKTG 3300: Applied Marketing Research (3). This course examines the role of information in decision making with special emphasis on the applied techniques and methods used to identify marketing opportunities or solve marketing problems. The completion of an actual research project is generally required. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010.
MKTG 3400: Business Ethics (3). Consideration of ethical, legal, and human relations dimensions in the business and nonprofit environments. Cross-listed with MGMT 3400. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010.
MKTG 3500: E-Business Models (3). A survey of the dynamic business issues surrounding the development and emergent patterns of the electronic commercialization in the global marketplace. Included is an overview of internet development and security. Leveraging new technologies to enhance business processes, unique characteristics of e-marketing, and the legal, ethical, and regulatory issues in conducting e-business. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010. Cross-listed with MGMT 3500.
MKTG 4020: Quality Management (3). An integrated study of quality issues in the entire supply chain. The course will emphasize the continuous improvement of business processes, as well as the design, establishment, evaluation, and improvement of quality systems in the supply chain. Issues on Quality System Certification to meet industry and international standards shall also be addressed. Cross-listed with MGMT 4020. Prerequisite: MGMT 3010.
MKTG 4030: Sports Marketing (3). Sports Marketing presents an overview of the various techniques and strategies used in meeting the wants and needs of consumers in the sport industry as well as understanding how sport can be used to assist in the marketing of other companies and products. Areas to be addressed are the uniqueness of sport marketing in comparison to traditional marketing, an overview of the segments of the sport industry, the importance of market research and segmentation in identifying the right sport consumer, the use of data-based marketing in reaching the sport consumer, the overview of the marketing mix as individual units and the relationship between those units, and the development of sponsorship and endorsement packages. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010 (for Business majors).
MKTG 4050: Consumer Behavior (3). An examination of the social, psychological, and decisional aspects of the buying process of individuals and households. Application of this knowledge is made via the selling organization’s service of consumers by better satisfying their needs. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010.
MKTG 4060: Contemporary Topics in Marketing (3). Research into selected areas of marketing. Pre-requisite: MKTG 3010 (or equivalent) and approval of instructor.
MKTG 4100: Organizational Marketing Management (3).Roles, relationships and structures of organizational buying and selling with particular emphasis on the economic and social influences. Managing the marketing and channel structures is a major theme. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010.
MKTG 4150: Integrated Marketing Communications (3). This course provides various strategies and tactics used to utilize the promotional variable of the marketing mix. An integrated marketing communications plan contains elements of the coordination of advertising campaigns, public relations, publicity, sales promotional activities, and personal selling decisions. Details of the inception, execution, evaluation and control of a promotional campaign that include media and creative decisions will be presented. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010 or instructor’s consent.
MKTG 4200: Social Media Marketing and Branding (3). Creation and development of domestic and global corporate and product brands and extensions, including logos, packaging, names, and promotion platforms. Uses and evaluation of social digital marketing efforts, including websites, advertisements and social media. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010.
MKTG 4250: Retailing Management (3). This important industry employs one out of eight people in the U.S. workforce. Exciting and challenging career opportunities are available to business graduates, plus the study of retailing creates better informed and wiser consumers. Since the retail store is a complete business, every aspect of business is brought to bear plus those unique to the field. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010.
MKTG 4300: Procurement (3). All organizations purchase for use and some (middlemen) purchase for both use and resale. A multitude of buying principles has developed separately for each of these purposes but will be studied together in this unique course. Buying in both instances is designed to satisfy the needs of other than the one(s) doing the buying. Organizational and customer need satisfaction act as the motivations for buyers who must serve well in order to succeed. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010.
MKTG 4350: International Marketing (3). Global trade and consumption patterns; alternative methods for international exchange; managerial and marketing issues raised by the access of multiple social, cultural, and political structures in the marketing environment. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010.
MKTG 4400: Logistics (3). Analysis of logistic and transport services. Contemporary issues in: customer service; distribution operations; purchasing; warehousing location, design and operation; carrier selection; transportation costing and negotiation. Prerequisites: MKTG 3010 or MGMT 3020.
MKTG 4500: Non-profit Marketing (3). This course undertakes the dual task of examining the service sector, which comprises an ever-increasing proportion of GNP, as well as the diverse set of organizations which operate under special governmental dispensation for the purpose of serving society with objectives other than achieving profit. While the basic marketing principles apply in both cases, special emphasis will be given to operational differences between these two important categories of marketers and their goods/profit-oriented counterparts. Prerequisite: MKTG 3010.
MKTG 4550: Marketing Strategy (3). This is a capstone course in Marketing (to be taken near graduation). It focuses on strategic planning and operations, which integrates various topics such as the marketing concept, market segmentation, brand building, consumer attitudes, marketing research, and integrated marketing communication. A computer-based marketing simulation as well as business plan is required. Prerequisites: MKTG 4050, and MKTG 3300.
MKTG 4990: Independent Study in Marketing (1-3). A course which allows outstanding students to investigate in depth, approved marketing topics. Studies will be coordinated by a member of the departmental faculty. Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair.