Dr. Natasha Johnson


Dr. Natasha Johnson

Department:  Business Administration
Assistant Professor
High Performance Work Practices, Multigenerational Workforce Effectiveness, Change Management, Leadership               

Office: Avon Williams Building K445
Phone: 615.963.7346
Email: njohnson5@tnstate.edu

Bio Education Courses Taught Publications and Awards

Dr. Natasha Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management in the College of Business at Tennessee State University.  Her research interests include high-performance work practices, multicultural and multigenerational workforce effectiveness, leadership, ethics, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational commitment.  She possesses more than 10 years of corporate human resource and leadership experience within healthcare and other industries.  Her experience training and consulting has also spanned across both public and private sectors.  Since receiving her doctorate, she has served as a reviewer for academic journals and has been selected to present at several academic conferences including, but not limited to, MBAA International, the Southwest Academy of Management, and  the FAMU Global Leadership Conference.  She has completed the Tennessee Supreme Court certified Rule 31 Mediation Training and is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (MOBTS), and the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD).  She also serves as the advisor of the Society for Human Resource Management at TSU.

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