Dynamic Forms Resources

For TSU Department Use


How to Submit a Form

Completing HR forms>>

Be aware of this when submitting forms! >>

View all forms you've ever submitted...or that involved you>>


How to Approve a Form

Managers: How to Approve a Form (video)


Login Problems?

View steps to take >>

Next Gen




How to Alter the Data on a Form, as the Form Requestor (Initial Form Submitter)

If the form has already progressed beyond you, the Form Requestor in the workflow: then you’ll have to ask whoever currently has the form to return it to you, the Form Requestor. Then you can make alterations to the data on the form.

If you, the Form Requestor, still have the form in your possession (haven't yet submitted it), then it should be in your Drafts folder. Click "My Forms" (upper right) to find your Drafts.


HR: How to Process Submitted Forms


How To

  • Delete a form

    There are 2 ways to delete a form:

      If a Form Requestor (form initiator) saves the form as a draft, they can delete it prior to submitting it.


    Whoever the form is sitting with currently in the workflow must:

        • return the form to the Form Requestor.

    The Form Requestor must then:

        • click the link on the email that they received to open the form
        • make a change to the form in order to make it be a Draft (put a number on the end of the person’s lastname or something…or put “BEING DELETED” in the Special Conditions field.
        • Click the “Save Progress” button at the bottom of the form to save it as a Draft.  (NOTE: It MUST be saved as a Draft in order to be able to delete it.)
        • Visit the DF portal .
        • Click “My Form Drafts” and delete the form there via the Action button.

  • Process Appointment Contracts & Supplemental Forms
  • Process incoming form (video)
  • Re-route a form  (video)
  • Search for a particular person...to see all of their forms (video)


How to Administrate Forms (for offices that own forms and deal with forms' users)

How to administrate forms (must be logged into Dynamic Forms to see these instructions)

Re-route a form >> (video)

Departmental personnel can't edit the submitted form

On the form, maybe they serve many roles on the form, such as these 3 roles for example:

    1. Form Requestor
    2. Project Supervisor
    3. Department Head

So the only one of the roles on the form that will be able to edit the form (IE. upload a new document to it or make other edits) is the “Requestor” role. So if the form gets returned to the employee as “Department Head” or to them as “Project Supervisor”….they will not be able to make edits to the form. They will have to “return it for revisions” to the Requestor (which also happens to be themself!). Once it is returned to the Requestor, they will be able to make edits, including deleting or adding file uploads (attachments) to it.

Login Problems



1. DF has two ways to login:

  1. If the person is not yet an employee of TSU, they will obviously have to create their own account in DF…which is mentioned here . And they’d set it up with their personal email address as their login.
  2. If the person IS an employee, they just use their regular TSU network login/password.

So you always have to keep that in mind. And you have to ask, “Hmmm, which way were they supposed to login?”

2. Next, send them here person who is having difficulty logging in or viewing their form to this site

Send the person who is having difficulty logging in or difficulty viewing their form to these instructions.


Other Issues


Blanked Out Fields!

HELP! All of the fields that had data have been blanked out/emptied!

As you know, these forms are programmed for you to be able to enter a T#...and if the form finds a match on T# in Banner, the system auto-populates employee information for you onto the form.

If a person submits a form for another person, but doesn't input the person's T# because they are new, and then an approval-person on the form alters the T# field, all of the form fields will blank out. Approvers MUST NOT touch the T# field.

Consider the T# field to be a search…and if it doesn’t find anything, all the fields’ data will be removed.

Again, you can see what I mean here.

Enter a good T# into the form…and see how it behaves. And then enter one that’s not turned on in Banner yet and see how it behaves.

Test it out here>>

Hope that helps. And yes, if you find yourself in this predicament (an approver touched/altered the T# which blanked out the fields), it’s best to just initiate a new form because this one is now too altered to undo in the system.

Blanked Out Fields on Drafts! 

I pre-entered data onto forms and saved them as Drafts. Then, when I went back to complete them, the fields were blanked out!

We've learned that you should not pre-enter data and save the forms as Drafts...due to this issue. 

T# Not Finding Match in Banner

HR should make sure that employee is updated in Banner so that:

  1. an entry is added to NBAJOBS
  2. their job type is noted as “Primary”, when appropriate

Residual T#s

Form Requestors are leaving invalid T#s in the T# lookup field.

They should always delete any T# that they enter when it doesn’t auto-populate the First and Last name fields.