Dr. Carrie McCleese



Department: Business Administration
Associate Professor
Career Plateaus, Mentoring, Stress, Coping, 

Office: Avon Williams Building I406
Phone: 615.963.7341
Email: mccleese@tnstate.edu

Bio Education Courses Taught
Publications and Awards

Carrie S. McCleese, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Business Administration in the College of Business at Tennessee State University. Her research interests primarily focus on stress and coping, careers (mentoring and career plateaus), and managerial pedagogical topics. She publishes in journals such as the Journal of Vocational Behavior, Stress and Health, and Journal of Career Development. Her most recent research projects focus on career plateaus in academia and management education. Carrie has been teaching courses in human resource management and organizational behavior for over 10 years and has also taught career counseling and theory in the Department of Psychology at TSU. She attended Central Michigan University for her bachelor’s degree and managed an outpatient mental health practice in Michigan prior to receiving her Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. She has consulted with several Fortune 500 companies, including Coca Cola, the United Parcel Service, and Home Depot, on managerial issues. Carrie is a member of the Middle Tennessee Society for Human Resource Management and has served as a reviewer for a variety of academic journals. She is also the advisor of the Society for Human Resource Management at TSU.

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