Education Degree Programs

What's Your Interest?


Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Master of Education (M.Ed.)

Master of Science (M.S)

Education Specialist (Ed.S.)

Doctorate (Ph.D. / Ed.D)


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The following programs lead to a Bachelor’s Degree (B.S.):

Psychology (B.S.)

Early Childhood Pre K–3 (B.S.)

Elementary Education K-5 (B.S.)


Agricultural Education 6-12
Agriscience 6-12
Visual Art  K–12
Biology 6–12
Chemistry 6–12 
English 6–12
Government 6–12
Health and Wellness K-12
History 6–12 
Mathematics 6–12 
Instrumental Music K–12
Vocal General Music K-12
Physical Education K-12


The following programs lead to a Master's Degree (M.A.Ed. --  M.Ed.  --  M.S.):

M.Ed. Instructional Leadership 

-Career & Technical Education (CTE)

M.S. Psychology

-Counseling Psychology
-Professional School Psychology

M.Ed. Curriculum & Instruction

  -Curriculum Planning
  -Secondary School Instruction
  -Literacy in Education (Reading Specialist)
  -Educational Technology
  -Teaching English Language Learners (TELL)

M.Ed. Elementary Education  

M.Ed. Special Education (Interventionist K-8)



The following programs lead to a Specialist's (Ed.S.) Degree:

Ed.S. Instructional Leadership



 PH.D. / ED.D Doctor of Philosophy / Doctor of Education

The following programs lead to a Doctorate (Ed.D./Ph.D.) Degree:

Ed.D. Curriculum & Instruction

Foundations and Curriculum

Ed.D. Educational Leadership

Pre-K - 12 Administration
Higher Education Leadership  

Ph.D. Psychology

Counseling Psychology


Certificate Programs 

Higher Education Administration & Leadership Certificate

Educational Technology Certificate 

Certificate in Higher Education Teaching 

TESOL Certificate 


online ONLINE 

The following programs/services can be accessed through TN eCampus:

M.Ed. in Advanced Studies in Teaching & Learning

Add-On Endorsements
     English as a Second Language (ESOL)
     Interventionist K-12 

Occupational Licensure

Professional Development

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