Master of Education (M.Ed.)

Majoring in Intervention Specialist for K-8 Mild-Moderate (MM) Educational Needs

MAJOR: Interventionist K-8
DEGREE: Master of Special Education

The Interventionist K-8 program provides candidates with courses and experiences designed to prepare competent professionals facilitators of learning with a multicultural perspective to serve in various educational capacities. Graduates are prepared to serve as classroom teachers and to serve as professionals employed by hospitals, group homes, mental health centers, and other community service agencies, both public and private, serving individuals with disabilities. Applicants who are potential candidates for the Master’s Degree in Interventionist K-8 must be certified to teach. 

Admission Requirements

Apply Now! Unconditional admission to the program requires the applicant to have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year college or university, an undergraduate cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale. *Note: International students must meet all admissions requirements to be accepted into Department programs.

Admissions to teacher education programs at the graduate level require a 2.75 GPA or higher on the last earned degree. Applicants who are seeking an initial teaching license should contact the Office of Teacher Education and Student Services for current requirements. Applicants who are potential candidates for the Master's Degree in Special Education must be certified to teach or must meet certification (initial licensure) requirements before the degree is awarded. See Degree Requirements. 

All applications will be reviewed holistically, however, prospective master’s candidates must submit:

  • A Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution or equivalent.
  • Have an undergraduate overall GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 grade scale.
  • Three satisfactory recommendations from faculty and/or professionals who know you as a student or employee.
  • A statement of personal and professional reasons for seeking this degree and major (the writing sample)

* All application materials must be submitted to the Graduate School by the deadlines below.
               Fall:  July 1                     Spring:  November 1          Summer:  April 1 

Transfer credits
Candidates wishing to transfer credit(s) toward the M.Ed. program may transfer a maximum of twelve (12) graduate credit hours from an accredited institution for courses that correspond to program/state requirements.

Degree Requirements
Candidates for the Master of Education degree and initial certification must complete a minimum of 33 semester hours of coursework. In addition, candidates must successfully pass comprehensive examinations in the fields of general education and special education; pass all Praxis examinations, and achieve a score of 40 or higher on the edTPA portfolio before the Master of Education degree will be conferred. 

NOTE : Course requirements are subject to any changes in requirements as set forth by the Educator Licensure Board.

General Education Core

  • EDCI 5000 Foundation of Education                                                      3
  • EDCI 5110 Research & Statistics in Education                                      3
  • PSYC 5430 Advanced Educational Psychology                                     3
  • EDSE 5530 Education & Psychology of Exceptional Child                     3
  • EDCI 5300 Multicultural Education                                                          3

Special Education Core Courses

Note:  EDSE 5530 is a pre-requisite to all courses below

  • EDSE 5560 Psycho-Educational Diagnosis of the Exceptional Child       3
  • EDSE 5640 Managing Inappropriate Classroom Behavior                       3
  • EDSE 5570 Consultation & Collaboration                                                 3
  • EDSE 5580 Learning & Behavior Disabilities                                               3
  • EDSE 5800 Technology for Special Education and Rehabilitation            3

Basic Instructional Methods Courses

  • **EDLI 5610 Teach Read Elem School or EDRD 5590 Founds of Literacy      3
  • EDLI 5640 Reading Diagnosis                                                                        3

Licensure Requirement

  • **EDSE 5950 Residency II Student Teaching                                              9
  • **EDCI 4706 Educational Seminar                                                               3

** Based on a transcript evaluation and confirmation of licensure, candidates who are already licensed in Elementary Education in the State of Tennessee do not need to enroll in these course.  

For More Information

Dr. Heraldo Richards, Ph.D.
Special Education Program Coordinator
Office: 203 Clay Hall
Phone: (615) 963-5465

webpage contact:
Teaching & Learning