M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction,
Concentration: Teaching English Language Learners

Welcome to the Teaching English Language Learners Program! 

Our program is designed to prepare you to teach students who speak English as a second or foreign language. We focus on equipping teachers with the skills needed to meet the unique needs of English learners and support their success. We currently offer two options:

  • an M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction with a Concentration in Teaching English Language Learners
  • an ESL endorsement program for licensed teachers in Tennessee, which can be added to an existing teaching license. 



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M.Ed. in C&I with a Concentration in Teaching English Language Learners 

This 33-credit hour, non-licensure program consists of coursework and practical opportunities that provide graduates the skills to become resources for the PK-12 education sector, advocates for language learners around the globe, and teachers of adult English Language Learners. 


Our vision, mission, and values align with that of the  College of Education at Tennessee State University . As such, candidates in the TELL program will be expected to achieve the following objectives: 

  • Analyze and apply theories and research related to language structure and language acquisition.
  • Design supportive language learning environments using the intersections of language and culture, related theories, and principles.
  • Plan and implement research-based language instruction that integrates language skills, technology, and relevant teaching strategies.
  • Apply a variety of language proficiency instruments and techniques.
  • Understand the history and current trends in language pedagogy and research, and collaborate to meet the needs of language learners.


  • 33 credit hours of coursework
  • Successful completion of the comprehensive exam


The M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction with Teaching English Language Learners (TELL) concentration requires 33 credit hours 

The general core of fifteen (15) semester hours: 

EDCI 5110    Research and Statistics in Education 
EDCI 5260    Philosophy of Education 
EDCI 5300    Multicultural Education 
EDCI 6100    Curriculum Planning and Programming 
PSYC 5430    Advanced Educational Psychology 

The concentration coursework of eighteen (18) semester hours: 

EDCI 5010    Issues in Bilingual Education and Second Language Acquisition      
EDCI 5020    Strategies, Planning & Curriculum Design for ELLs                   
EDCI 5030    Testing and Assessment of Non-Native Speakers of English      
EDCI 5040    Content Area Instruction for English Language Learners               
EDCI 5050*  English Language Learners Instructional Practicum
EDLI 5800    Linguistic Applications to Teaching Language Arts  

*Indicates that the course consists of a practicum component where students observe and/or teach English language learners.



33 Credit Hours | 4-Semester Plan
This is an example and may differ based on an individual's plans and goals. 





TELL Program of Study

Program Information for Current Students



ROSA ESL Instructor



Minor in TESOL

TESOL Certificate


PK-12 ESL Endorsement

TSU offers licensed teachers the opportunity to pursue the endorsement of English as a Second Language (ESL). The ESL endorsement program is available only as an add-on to an existing teaching license and is recognized by the State of Tennessee. To obtain the endorsement, candidates must successfully complete 18 credit hours of coursework and achieve a passing score on the Praxis ESL examination (5362). 

Required Courses (18 credit hours): 

EDCI 5010      Issues in Bilingual Education and Second Language Acquisition     
EDCI 5030      Testing and Assessment of Non-Native Speakers of English              
EDLI 5800      Linguistic Applications to Teaching Language Arts
EDCI 5020      Strategies, Planning & Curriculum Design for ELLs   
EDCI 5040     Content Area Instruction for English Language Learners 
EDCI 5050*    English Language Learners Instructional Practicum

In addition to 18 credit hours of coursework, candidates in ESL endorsement need to provide evidence of world language study through coursework (at the undergraduate or graduate level) or equivalents. The world language courses may be counted toward the 18-hour minimum. Below are the current language courses we provide at Tennessee State University. 

SPAN 1010      Elementary Spanish I      
SPAN 1020      Elementary French II              
SPAN 2010      Intermediate Spanish I 
SPAN 2020      Intermediate Spanish II    
SPAN 3050      Advanced Spanish Language
SPAN 3102      Spanish for Healthcare
SPAN 3400      Spanish Translation
SPAN 3410      Advanced Translation
SPAN 4900      On-Site Hispanic Culture (Study Abroad) 

Please contact the lead faculty member for more information. 



Office of Certification and Transcript Analysis



Praxis 5362 Study Companion



This program is available based on demand. If you're interested, please email the coordinator. 




Minor in Spanish




For more information: 

Dr. Hyeon Jean Yoo
Hyeon Jean Yoo, Ph.D. 
Lead Faculty | Teaching English Language Learners
Email: hyoo@tnstate.edu