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Christine A. Ondzighi-Assoume, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Agriculture
Department of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering
Contact Information:
Office location: 205BB Lawson W. Hall
Tennessee State University
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9184-9525
Email: condzigh@tnstate.edu
Office Phone: 615-963-6334
Lab Phone: 615-963-6781
Fax: 615-963-5833
Areas of Expertise
Biotechnology, Physiology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Genetic and Molecular Engineering, and Bioenergy
Postdoctoral Experience
2014-2016: Research Associate - Department of Plant Science, Tennessee University
2011-2014: Research Associate - Department of Plant Biology, University of Vermont
2009-2011: Research Associate - Great Lake Bioenergy Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2005-2008: Research Associate - Dept. of MCDB, University of Colorado-Boulder and Dept. MBB, University of Hawaii-Manoa at Honolulu
Teaching Courses:
• AGSC 1600-01 – Introductory Biotechnology (3 credits)
• AGSC 3109-01 – Principles and Methods of Biotechnology I (4 credits)
• AGSC 3110-01 – Principles and Methods of Biotechnology II (4 credits)
• AGSC 3540-01 – Energy, Resource and Sustainability (3 credits)
• AGSC 3710-01 – Biotechnology and Society (3 credits)
• AGSC 4340-01 – Cell and Tissue Culture (4 credits)
• AGSC 5270-01 – Biosecurity and Bioforensics (3 credits)
• AGSC 5340-01 – Cell and Tissue Culture (4 credits)
• AGSC 7010-80 – Thesis Writing (5 credits)
Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals: 19
Book chapters and Drafts: 3
Conferences and invited talks: 50
Major Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals
Christine A. Ondzighi-Assoume, Jonathan D. Willis, Wilson K. Ouma, Sara M. Allen, Zachary King, Wayne A. Parrott, Wusheng Liu, Jason N. Burris, Scott C. Lenaghan, and C. Neal Stewart, Jr. (2019). Embryogenic Cell Suspensions for High Capacity Genetic Transformation and Regeneration of Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) (Panicum virgatum L.). (In press Biotechnology for Biofuels)
Wusheng Liu, Mary R. Rudis, Matthew H. Cheplick, Reginald J. Millwood, Jian-Ping Yang, Christine A. Ondzighi-Assoume, Garrett A. Montgomery, Kellie P. Burris, Mitra Mazarei, Jonathan D. Chesnut, Charles Neal Stewart (2019). Lipofection-mediated genome editing using DNA-free delivery of the Cas9/gRNA ribonucleoprotein into plant cells. Plant Cell Reports, pp 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-019-02488-w
Jeanne M. Harris and Christine A. Ondzighi-Assoume (2017). Environmental Nitrate Signals Through Abscisic Acid in the Root Tip. Plant Signal & Behavior, 12:1, e1273303. DOI 10.1080/15592324.2016.1273303.
Christine A. Ondzighi-Assoume, Sanhita Chakraborty and Jeanne M. Harris (2016). Environmental Nitrate Stimulates Abscisic Acid Accumulation in Arabidopsis Root Tips by Releasing it from Inactive Stores. The Plant Cell, DOI 10.1105/tpc.15.00946. First author profile featured in The Plant Cell, March 2016.
Christine A. Ondzighi-Assoume et al. (2016), The Plant Cell in Brief: Putting Down Roots: How Nitrate and Abscisic Acid Help Shape Root System Architecture by Jennifer Lockhart, Science Editor. The Plant Cell, DOI 10.1105/tpc.16.00132.
Eun Ju Cho, Christen Y.L., Byung-Ho Kang, Christine A. Ondzighi, L. Andrew Staehelin and David A. Christopher (2011). Protein Disulfide Isomerase-2 Traffics and Localizes to Both Secretory Pathway Compartments and to the Nucleus Where It Interacts with Maternal Effect-Embryo Arrest Transcription Factor-8 and Regulates Seed Development. Molecule and Cell, DOI/10.1007/s10059-011-0150-3.
C. Andème Ondzighi, David A. Christopher, Eun Ju Cho, Shu Shoeng-Chang and L. Andrew Staehelin (2008). Arabidopsis Protein Disulfide Isomerase-5 Inhibits Cysteine Proteases during Trafficking to Vacuoles before Programmed Cell Death of the Endothelium in Developing Seeds. The Plant Cell, 20: 2205-2220. www.plantcell.org/cgi/doi/10.1105/tpc.108.058339.
David A Christopher, Tamas Borsics, Christen YL Yuen, Wendy Ullmer, Christine Andème-Ondzighi, Marilou A. Andres, Byung-Ho Kang and L Andrew Staehelin (2007). The cyclicnucleotide-gated cation channel AtCNGC10 traffics from the ER via Golgi vesicles to the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis root and leaf cells. Biomedical Central Plant Biology 7(48): 1471-2229. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/7/48.
Tamás Borsics, David Webb, Christine A. Ondzighi, L. Andrew Staehelin and David A. Christopher (2007). The cyclicnucleotide-gated calmodulin-binding channel AtCNGC10 localizes to the plasma membrane and influences numerous growth responses and starch accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta, 225: 563-573. DOI: 10.1007/s00425-006-0372-3.
T. Boudjeko, C. Andème-Onzighi, M. Vicré, P.A. Balangé, D. Omokolo and A. Driouich (2006). Loss of pectins an early event during infection of cocoyam roots by Pythium myriotylum. Planta, 223: 271-282. DOI: 10.1007/s00425-005-0090-2.
E. Nguema-Ona/C. Andème-Onzighi, S. Aboughe-Angone, M. Bardor, T. Ishii, P. Lerouge and A. Driouich (2006). The reb1-1 mutation of Arabidopsis: Effect on the structure and localization of galactose-containing cell wall polysaccharides. Plant Physiology, 140: 1406-1417. www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.105.074997.
C. Andème-Onzighi, O. Douchiche, A. Driouich and C. Morvan (2005). Composition of Flax hypocotyls fibres. Journal of Natural Fibers, Vol. 2, Number 3. Electronic ISSN : 1544-046.
O. Lerouxel, G. Mouille, C. Andème-Onzighi, M-P. Bruyant, C. Loutelier-Bourhis, A. Driouich, H. Höfte and P. Lerouge (2005). Mutants in DEFECTIVE GLYCOSYLATION, an Arabidopsis homolog of an oligosaccharridyltransferase complex subunit, show protein underglycosylation and defects in cell differentiation and growth. The Plant Journal, 42: 455-468. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2005.02392.x.
M. D. Serpe, A.J. Muir, C. Andème-Onzighi and A. Driouich (2004). Differential distribution of callose and a (1,4)-ß-D-galactanepitopes in the laticiferous plant Euphorbia heterophylla L. Int. J. of Plant Science, 165(4): 571-585. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/386563.
Claudine Morvan, Christine Andème-Onzighi, David S. Himmelsbach, Azeddine Driouich and Danny E. Akin (2003). Building flax fibres: more than one brick in the walls. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 41: 935-944. Doi:10.1016/j.plaphy.2003.07.001.
C. Andème-Onzighi, M. Sivaguru, J. Judy-March, T.I. Baskin and A. Driouich (2002). The rebI-I mutation of Arabidopsis alters the morphology of trichoblasts, the expression of arabinogalactan-proteins and the organization of cortical microtubules Planta, 215: 949-958. DOI 10.1007/s00425-002-0836-z.
I.His / C. Andème-Onzighi, C. Morvan, and A. Driouich (2001). Microscopic studies on mature flax fibers embedded in LR White: Immunogold localization of cell wall matrix polysaccharides. J. Of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 49(12): 1525-1535. DOI: 10.1177/002215540104901206.
R. Girault, I. His, C. Andème-Onzighi, A. Driouich and C. Morvan (2000). Identification and characterization of structural proteins from flax fibers. Planta, 211: 256-264. DOI: 10.1007/s004250000281.
C. Andème-Onzighi, R. Girault, I. His, C. Morvan and A. Driouich (2000). Immunocytochemical characterization of early-developing flax fiber cell walls. Protoplasma, 213: 235-245. DOI: 10.1007/BF01282161.
C. Andème-Onzighi, F. Lhuissier, M. Vicré, H. Yamada and A. Driouich (2000). A (13,6)-β-D-galactosyl-rich epitope associated bioactive pectins occurs in discrete cell wall domains in hypocotyl and root tissues of flax seedlings. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 113: 61-70. DOI: 10.1007/s004180050008.
Book Chapters and Drafts in Brief
P. Michoneau, A. Driouich, C. Andème-Onzighi, C. Morvan, J.Y. Rault, B. Métais and P. Fleurat-Lessard. (2000). Stress et lignification dans le rosier miniature: vers une topographie moléculaire des interfaces clés de compartimentation des nutriments. In Arbre 2000, the three. IQ Eds, Montréal, pp: 345-349. http://www.iqe.qc.ca/en/?page_id=586.
R. Girault, C. Andème-Onzighi, I. His, A. Driouich and C. Morvan (2000). Composition and structure of cell walls of flax fibers: targets for biotechnology. In Natural Polymers and Composites. LH Capparelli-Mattoso, A. Leo, E. Frollini, pp: 16-21. Natural and Wood Fibre Reinforcement in Polymers. ISBN 1-85957-359-2. Accession no.802241.
C. Andème-Onzighi et al., (2002). Imaging the Primary Cell Wall by Tobias I. Baskin. The Science and Lore of the Plant Cell Wall (2006), Biosynthesis, Structure & Function. Edited by Takahisa Hayashi. Brown Walker Press, Boca Raton • 2006, pp: 11-29
2017: ASPB Travel grant to attend the Annual Plant Biology Meeting, Honolulu, Hi, USA.
Ph.D. (Cell Biology and Biochemistry) University of Rouen - France
D.E.A. Cell Biology Diploma of Advanced Studies) University of Rouen - France
M.S. (Molecular and Cell Biochemistry) University of Rouen - France
B.S. (Biochemistry) University of Rouen - France
Date Joined staff: October 1, 2016
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