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Dr. Yujuan Chen 
Associate Professor 
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
College of Agriculture

Contact Information: 
Office Location: 202 E Farrell-Westbrook 
Office Phone: (615) 963-6653

Research Areas: 

Urban and Community Forestry
Urban Soils
Green Infrastructure and Stormwater Management 

Selected Publications: 
Schwarz K., E.L. Wohldmann, Y. Chen, R.V. Pouyat, A. Gonzalez, S. Mao and S.D. Day. 2022. Community Knowledge and Concerns About Urban Soil Science, Practice, and Process: Perspectives From the Healthy Soils for Healthy Communities Initiative in Los Angeles, CA, United States. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (28).

Chen, Y., R.V. Pouyat, S.D. Day, E.L. Wohldmann, K. Schwarz, G.L. Rees, M. Gonez, E. B. de Guzman, and S. Mao. 2021. Healthy Soils for Healthy Communities, Phase 1: Needs Assessment. TreePeople. 

De Guzman, E.B., L.S. Kalkstein, D. Sailor, D. Eisenman, S. Sheridan, K. Kirner, R. Maas, K. Shickman, D. Fink, J. Parfrey, and Y. Chen. 2020. Rx for Hot Cities: Climate Resilience Through Urban Greening and Cooling in Los Angeles. TreePeople.

Salbitano, F., S. Borelli, M. Conigliaro, N. A. Yahya, G. Sanesi, Y. Chen, and G. Tovar. 2017. Chapter 11, Urban Forest Benefits in Developing and Industrializing Countries. In the Routledge Handbook of Urban Forestry. F Ferrini., C.C. Konijnendijk van den Bosch, and A. Fini (Eds.) Routledge. ISBN: 9781138647282.

FAO. 2016. Guidelines on Urban and Peri-Urban Forestry, by F. Salbitano, S. Borelli, M. Conigliaro and Y. Chen. FAO Forestry Paper No. 178. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 

FAO. 2016. Towards a Greener, Healthier, and Happier Future: The 1st Asia-Pacific Urban Forestry Meeting. Y. Chen & S. Borelli (Eds.). Zhuhai, China, 6-8 April 2016. Urban and Peri-urban Forestry Working Paper No. 11. Rome.

Layman, R.M., S.D. Day, D. K. Mitchell, Y. Chen, J. R. Harris, and W. L. Daniels. 2016. Below ground matters: Urban soil rehabilitation increases tree canopy and speeds establishment. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 16: 25–35.

Chen, Y., S.D. Day, A.F. Wick, and K.J. McGuire. 2014. Influence of urban land development and subsequent soil rehabilitation on soil aggregates, carbon, and hydraulic conductivity. Science of The Total Environment 494: 329–336.

Chen, Y., S.D. Day, R.K. Shrestha, B.D. Strahm, and P.E. Wiseman. 2014. Influence of urban land development and soil rehabilitation on soil-atmosphere greenhouse gas fluxes. Geoderma 226-227: 348–353.

Chen, Y., S.D. Day, A.F. Wick, B.D. Strahm, P.E. Wiseman, and W.L. Daniels. 2013. Changes in soil carbon pools and microbial biomass from urban land development and subsequent post-development soil rehabilitation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 66: 38–44.

Ph.D., Urban Forestry, Virginia Tech
M.S., Urban Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry 
B.S., Horticulture, Beijing Forestry University 

Date Joined Staff: January 2022