
Fulya Baysal-Gurel
Associate Dean for Research
Research Associate Professor
College of Agriculture
Department of Agricultural Science and Engineering
Otis L. Floyd Nursery Research Center
Office Location:  472 Cadillac Lane, McMinnville, TN
Telephone:  931-815-5143 FAX:  931-668-3134

Research Interests
Plant Pathology
Plant Disease Diagnosis
Plant Disease Management
Integrated Pest management
Biological Control of Plant Diseases and Biopesticides

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (Last five years)

Baysal-Gurel, F., Bika, R., Jennings, C., Palmer, C., and Simmons, T. 2020. Comparative performance of chemical and biologically-based products in management of algal leaf spot on magnolia. HortTechnology. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Bika, R., Palmer, C., Alexander, L., and Baysal-Gurel, F. 2020. Comparative performance of reduced-risk fungicides and biorational products in management of post-harvest Botrytis cinerea on hydrangea cut flowers.HortTechnology. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Panth, M., Baysal-Gurel, F., Avin, F., and Simmons, T. 2020. Identification, chemical and biological management of Phytopythium vexans, the causal agent of Phytopythium root and crown rot of woody ornamentals. Plant Disease. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Brown, M.S., Addesso, K.M., Baysal-Gurel, F., Youssef, N.N., and Oliver, J.B. 2020. Permethrin residual activity against ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) attacks following field aging and simulated weathering. Journal of Economic Entomology. 1-9. doi: 10.1093/jee/toaa186.

Bika, R., Baysal-Gurel, F., and Jennings, C. 2020. Botrytis cinerea management in ornamental production: A continuous battle. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Baysal-Gurel, F., Simmons, T., F., Avin, F.A., Bika, R., and Jennings, C. 2020. First report of powdery mildew on Physocarpus opulifolius caused by Podosphaera physocarpi in Tennessee. Plant Disease. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Baysal-Gurel, F., Liyanapathiranage, P., Panth, M., Avin, F.A., and Simmons, T. 2020. First report of Phytopythium vexans causing root and crown rot on flowering cherry in Tennessee. Plant Disease. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Panth, M., Baysal-Gurel, F., Simmons, T., Addesso, K., and Witcher, A. 2020. Impact of winter cover crop usage in soilborne disease suppressiveness in woody ornamental production system. Agronomy 10(7), 995; (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Castroagudín, V. L., Weiland, J. E., Baysal-Gurel, F., Cubeta, M. A., Daughtrey, M., Gauthier, N. W., LaMondia, J., Luster, D. G., Hand, F. P., Shishkoff, N., Williams-Woodward, J., Yang, X., LeBlanc, N., and Crouch, J. A. 2020. One clonal lineage of Calonectria pseudonaviculata is primarily responsible for the boxwood blight epidemic in the United States. Phytopathology.

Hudson, O., Walilullah, S. Hand, J. Gazis-Seregina, R., Baysal-Gurel, F., and Ali, E. 2020. Novel method for detection of Phytophthora capsici in irrigation water using loop-mediated isothermal amplification. J. Vis. Exp., e61478, doi:10.3791/61478.

Baysal-Gurel, F., Avin, F.A., Oksel, C., and Simmons, T. 2020. First report of stem canker of goldenrain tree caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae in Tennessee. Plant Disease. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Oksel, C., Avin, F., Simmons, T. and Baysal-Gurel, F. 2020. First report of bacterial leaf spot caused by Xanthomonas arboricola infecting saucer magnolia in Tennessee. Plant Disease. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Farinas, C., Jourdan, P.S., Paul, P.A., Slot, J.C., Daughtrey, M.L., Devi Ganeshan, V., Baysal-Gurel, F., Peduto Hand, F. 2020. Phlox species show quantitative and qualitative resistance to a population of powdery mildew isolates from the eastern United States. Phytopathology.

Baysal-Gurel, F., Farinas, C., Peduto Hand, F., Avin, F.A. 2020. First report of powdery mildew of Phlox caused by Golovinomyces magnicellulatus in Tennessee. Plant Disease. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Panth, M., Hassler, S., and Baysal-Gurel, F. 2020. Methods for management of soilborne diseases in crop production. Agriculture. Agriculture 10 (1), 16; (Baysal-Gurel corresponding author).

Tekin, N.T., Kaplanoglu, E., Erdemir, E., Baysal-Gurel, F., Uyanik, C., and Hargrove, S. K. 2020. Modeling and testing of magnetic speed controlled submersible robot for hydroponic production. IEEE pp. 1-4. DOI:10.1109/SoutheastCon42311.2019.9020356.

Dawadi, S., Baysal-Gurel, F., Addesso, K.M., Oliver, J.B., and Simmons, T. 2019. Impact of cover crop usage on soilborne diseases in field nursery production. Agronomy Vol:9, 753. DOI:10.3390/agronomy9110753 (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Hassler, S., and Baysal-Gurel, F. 2019. Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) technology and applications in agriculture. Agronomy. Agronomy  2019, Vol: 9, 618. DOI: 10.3390/agronomy9100618 (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author) (It was selected as cover story and cover picture for this volume).

Witcher, A., Baysal-Gurel, F., Blythe, E. K. and Fare, D. C. 2019. Container size and shade duration affect growth of flowering dogwood. HortTechnology. DOI: 10.21273/HORTTECH04392-19, Page 1-12.

Alexander, L., Witcher, A., and Baysal-Gurel, F. 2019. Growth, flowering, and powdery mildew related responses of witchhazels in Tennessee. HortTechnology. DOI:10.21273/HORTTECH04349-19, Vol 29: Issue 4 Page 507-515 (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Baysal-Gurel, F. and Kabir, Md N. 2019. Evaluation of fungicides and biocontrol products for the control of Phytophthora root rot of hydrangeas.Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, DOI: 10.1080/03235408.2019.1648023 Page 1-16 (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Brown, M., Baysal-Gurel, F., Oliver, J., and Addesso, K. 2019. Evaluation of fungicides and biofungicide to control Phytophthora root rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands) and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) on flowering dogwoods exposed to simulated flood events. Crop Protection. Vol: 124 104834, Page 1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2019.05.028 (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author)

Baysal-Gurel, F., Liyanapathiranage, P., Addesso, K. 2019. Effect of Brassica crop-based biofumigation on soilborne disease suppression in woody ornamentals. The Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. DOI: 10.1080/07060661.2019.1625444 (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Baysal-Gurel, F., Kabir, N., Liyanapathiranage, P. 2019. Effect of organic inputs and solarization for the suppression of Rhizoctonia solani in woody ornamental plant production. Plants 2019, 8(5),138; (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Baysal-Gurel, F., Liyanapathiranage, P. 2019. Pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani and Phytophthora nicotianae to Brassicaceae cover crops. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. Page: 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/03235408.2019.1617499 (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Brown, M., Baysal-Gurel, F., Oliver, J., and Addesso, K. 2019. Comparative performance of fungicides, biofungicides, and host plant defense inducers in suppression of Phytophthora root rot in flowering dogwood during simulated root flooding events. Plant Disease. 103:1703-1711. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Pandey, M., Addesso, K. M., Archer, R. S., Valles, S. M., Baysal-Gurel, F., Ganter, P. F., Youssef, N. N., and Oliver, J. B. 2019. Worker size, geographical distribution, and introgressive hybridization of the invasive Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Tennessee. Environmental Entomology. Page: 1-6. doi: 10.1093/ee/nvz023.

Baysal-Gurel, F., Liyanapathiranage, P., Mullican, J. 2018. Biofumigation: opportunities and challenges for control of soilborne diseases in nursery production. Plant Health Progress. 19:332-337. P. 332-337 (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Baysal-Gurel, F., Kabir, N. 2018. Comparative performance of fungicides and biocontrol products in suppression of Rhizoctonia root rot in viburnum. Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology Vol:9 Issue:9 DOI: 10.4172/2157-7471.1000451 (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Addesso, K., Baysal-Gurel, F., Oliver, J., Ranger, C., O’Neal, P. 2018. Interaction of a preventative fungicide treatment and root rot pathogen on ambrosia beetle attacks during a simulated flood event. Insects 2018, 9, 83; doi:10.3390/insects9030083.

Mirik, M., Aysan, Y., and Baysal-Gurel, F. 2018. Bacterial spot and blight diseases of ornamental plants caused by different Xanthomonas species in Turkey. Plant Protection Science. P. 1-8. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Baysal-Gurel, F., Simmons, T., Kabir, N., Liyanapathiranage, P. 2016. First report of bacterial leaf spot caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis infecting fragrant sumac in Tennessee. Plant Disease 100(9) DOI:10.1094/PDIS-02-16-0195-PDN (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Yasuhara-Bell, J., Baysal-Gurel, F., Miller, S.A., Alvarez, A., 2015. Utility of a loop-mediated amplification assay for detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in seeds and plant tissues. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. Published online: 04 Jun 2015 DOI:10.1080/07060661.2015.1053988.

Baysal-Gurel, F. and Cinar, A. 2015. First report of taro leaf blight caused by Phytophthora colocasiae infecting taro in Turkey. Plant Disease. Vol. 99, No. 10, P. 1445. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Testen, A.L., Baysal-Gurel, F., Mamiro, D.P., Miller, S.A. 2015. First report of tomato big bud caused by a 16SrII-C phytoplasma in Tanzania. Plant Disease. Vol. 99, No. 12, P. 1854.

Li, R., Baysal-Gurel, F., Abdo, Z., Miller, S.A., Ling, K., 2015. Evaluation of disinfectants to prevent mechanical transmission of viruses and a viroid in greenhouse tomatoes.  Virology Journal 2015, 12:5. doi:10.1186/s12985-014-0237-5

Subedi, N., Testen, A.L., Baysal-Gurel, F., Miller, S.A. 2015. First report of black leaf mold of tomato caused by Pseudocercospora fuligena in Ohio.Plant Disease. Vol. 99, No. 2, P. 285.

Baysal-Gurel, F., Li, R., Ling, K., Miller, S.A. 2015.First report of Tomato chlorotic spot virus infecting tomatoes in Ohio. Plant Disease. Vol. 99, No. 1, P. 163.

Baysal-Gurel, F. and Cinar, A. 2015. First report of Fusarium root rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum infecting pigmented grapefruit trees in Turkey. Plant Disease. Vol. 99, No. 4, P. 553. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Baysal-Gurel, F., Li, R., Ling, K., Kurowski, C., Miller, S.A. 2015. Developing hygiene protocols against mechanically transmitted pathogens in greenhouse tomato production systems. Acta Hort. (ISHS) No. 1069, P. 275-280. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Baysal-Gurel, F., Miller, S.A. 2015. Management of powdery mildew in greenhouse tomato production with biorational products and fungicides. Acta Hort. (ISHS) No. 1069, P. 179-184. (Baysal-Gurel-corresponding author).

Li, R., Ling, K., Baysal-Gurel, F., Miller, S.A., Kurowski, C., 2015. Evaluation of disinfectants to control mechanical transmission of tomato viruses and viroids in greenhouse tomatoes.  Acta Hort. (ISHS) No. 1069, P. 221-228.

Miller, S.A., Lewis Ivey, M., Baysal-Gurel, F., Xu, X. 2015. A systems approach to tomato disease management. Acta Hort. (ISHS) No. 1069, P. 167-172.

Teaching and Workshops
Graduate Course
TSU Independent Study of Contemporary Issues AGSC5350: Plant Diseases, Diagnosis and Their Management.  Summer 2020- June 4-August 6, 2020 Instructor: Fulya Baysal-Gurel.

Guest Lecturer
Landscape Horticulture (AGHT 3400), Dr. Doug Airhardt. Tennessee Tech University Ornamental Disease Management, Mar 18, 2019.
Plant Disease Diagnosis PP5685, Management of vegetable diseases, 12 May 2014 (Guest Lecturer).
Fruit and Vegetable Diseases PP5150, Vegetable diseases, 2012 (Guest Lecturer).
Plant Pathology PP615.01, Management of vegetable diseases in greenhouses and high tunnels, 18 January 2011 (Guest Lecturer).
Plant Pathology PP615.01, Management of Vegetable Diseases in Greenhouses and High Tunnels. 29 January 2009 (Guest lecturer).

Workshops and Trainings
Plants get sick, too! 2020 TSU College of Agriculture Virtual Apprenticeship Program. Online- June 17, 2020.
2020 Tennessee Warren County Master Gardener Class. McMinnville, TN. March 3, 2020.
Climate change workshop series. Murfreesboro and Jackson, TN. January and March 2020.
Diseases of Trees- Carroll County 4-H forestry teams. SUNRC- McMinnville, TN. October 8, 2019.
Junior Master Gardener Daycamp. June 18, 2019. McMinnville, TN.
2019 Tennessee Warren County Master Gardener Class. March 19, 2019. McMinnville, TN.
A fungus among us. Junior Master Gardener Camp, McMinnville, TN, June 16, 2017 (instructor).
Identification and management of diseases and pests of ornamental crops workshop. Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey, 11-14 April, 2017 (organizer and instructor).
2017 Tennessee Warren County Master Gardener Class. McMinnville, TN. January 17, 2017.
TSU Diagnostics workshop between August 10-19, 2016 for TSU graduate students, TSU staff, USDA staff and TDA employee (organizer and instructor).
TSU Preparing a Quality Scientific Poster for Professional Meetings & Competitions. July 8th, 2016, noon-1 pm.
Diseases of trees- Shelby and Williamson Counties 4-H group, McMinnville, TN, May 2, 2016.
2016 Tennessee Warren County Master gardener classes. TSUNRC, McMinnville, TN, February 2, 2016.
Diseases of trees- Williamson Co. 4-H group, McMinnville, TN, August 14, 2015.
SARE-sponsored In-Service Education workshop on “Sustainable Management of Soil-Borne Diseases and Weeds” June 4-5, 2013, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri (Instructor).
Plant Disease Diagnostic Workshop in Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. May 6-8, 2013. Funded by The APS Office of International Programs Global Experience (Coordinator and Instructor).
IPM CRSP Southeast Asia Regional Program, Plant Disease and diagnostic. 22-23 July 2010, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia (Coordinator and instructor).
Pest and disease diagnostics for international trade and food security an international short course. 2008-2014, Wooster, OH (Instructor).
IPM-CRSP USAID International Plant Diagnostic Network (IPDN) Workshop August 26 - September 8, 2007. Wooster, OH (Instructor).

Sanitation and disease management.  AmericanHort. 2018.

Sanitation for Plant Disease Management, TSU Departmental Seminar Nashville, TN. October 18, 2018.
Biofumigation: Opportunities and challenges for control of soilborne diseases in nursery production. University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Aug 27, 2018.
Fungicide resistance management. TSU Departmental seminar. Nashville, TN. November 16, 2017.
System approach on disease management. Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey, April 10, 2017.
Diseases of woody ornamentals in nursery production systems. Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey, December 30, 2015.
Developing advanced research tools strengthens plant disease management. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, September 4, 2015.

Honors and Awards
2020 Expanding the Network of STEM 2020 Virtual Writing Group Scholarship
2017 TSU/College of Agriculture Outstanding Early Career Award
2014 The OSU/ The Office of Outreach and Engagement Travel Award
2013 The APS Office of International Programs Global Experience Award
2008 2014 The OSU/OARDC Professional Growth Scholarship
2004 Sustainable Strategies in Plant Protection Focusing on the Security of Agricultural Products Pre-15th IPPC Workshop Travel Award, Beijing, China
1994-1997 Cukurova University Presidential Fellow
1994 B.S. with Honors in Plant Protection, Cukurova University

Editorial Service
Plant Disease, 2020-present, Senior editor
PhytoFrontiers™ Journal, 2020-present,  Editor
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2019-present, Associate Editor
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 2018-present, Editor
Phytopathology, 2018-present, Associate Editor
SNA Research Conference Plant Pathology and Nematology Section, 2017-present, Section Editor
Plant Disease Management Reports, 2015-present, Section Editor
Academic Journal Magazine, University of Ordu, Faculty of Agriculture, Ordu, Turkey,2015-present , Advisory board

B.S. (Plant Protection) Cukurova University, Agriculture Faculty, Turkey
Teaching Certificatein Pedagogical formation, Cukurova University, Turkey
M.S. (Plant Pathology) Cukurova University, Natural and Applied Sciences Institute, Turkey
Ph.D. (Plant Pathology) Cukurova University, Natural and Applied Sciences Institute, Turkey

Date joined staff: June 2015

CV available here.

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