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Dr. Sajid Al Noor
Assistant Professor
Community Resource and Economic Development
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science
College of Agriculture, Tennessee State University
Contact Information
Office: 202M Farrell-Westbrook Complex
Telephone: 615-963-6642
Email: snoor@tnstate.edu
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sajid-noor-doctor-of-economic-development-7824b769/
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sajid-Noor-3
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RtkILFAAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Interest and Areas
Regional economic stability and diversification.
Rural community resources and economic development.
Agricultural policy analysis.
Oil and gas tax policy analysis
Social Economics
Teaching Interests and previously taught
Community Development, Agricultural Policy, Agricultural Economics, International Trade,
Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Enomoto, Carl, Noor, Sajid, and Benjamin Widner. “Is Social Media to Blame for the Sharp Rise in STDs?” Journal of Social Science. Vol. 6, No. 78, (July 2017): 1-12.
Noor, Sajid A., Djaba, Theophilus, and Carl E. Enomoto. “The Role Of Social Networking Websites: Do They Connect People Through Marriage Or Are They Responsible For Divorces?” Journal of International Social Issues, Vol. 4, No. 1, (November 2016): 40-49.”
Enomoto, Carl E., Noor, Sajid A., and Karl R. Geisler. “Non-price competition in the US airline industry: a VAR model”, Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 44 Issue: 6, (2017): 882-894.
Enomoto, Carl E., Djaba, Theophilus, and Sajid A. Noor. “The Effects of Religion on Depression and Suicide Rates in the United States.” Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion, vol. 23, (2016): 74-79.
Enomoto, Carl E., Jazmine, Brantley, and Sajid A. Noor. “The Effects of Religious Freedom Laws on Employment, Small-Minority-Owned Businesses and Minority Populations.” e-Journal of Social & Behavioral Research in Business, vol. 11, no. 2, (2016): 1-28.
Published Technical Research
Adkisson, Richard V. and Noor, Sajid A. “New Mexico’s Industrial Diversity.” Policy and Economic Impact Studies, Arrowhead Center, New Mexico State University, (December 2018): 1-22. https://arrowheadcenter.nmsu.edu/economic-and-policy-studies/
Honors and Awards
Awarded certificate of completion “Colorado – Basic Economic Development Course”. Organized by the Economic Development Council of Colorado accredited by the International Economic Development Council (June 15, 2018).
Awarded certificate of completion “Energizing Entrepreneurs Institutes Certificate Program” by the National Center for Rural Entrepreneurship (June 3, 2016).
Awarded Richard and Justine Adkisson Endowed Scholarship for being an outstanding economic development researcher at New Mexico State University (2019).
Awarded Business General College Scholarship for outstanding academic achievements at New Mexico State University (2017).
Awarded Public Utilities Scholarship for outstanding academic achievements at New Mexico State University (2015 & 2016).
Awarded International Alumni Scholarships by International Scholar Service for being an outstanding new international graduate student at New Mexico State University (2014).
DED. Doctor of Economic Development, New Mexico State University
M.A. Economics, New Mexico State University
B.B.A. Finance and Accounting, East West University, Bangladesh
Date Joined TSU: August 2023