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Margaret T. Mmbaga
Research Professor
Department of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering
College of Agriculture
Contact Information:
Office Location: 105 Agricultural Biotechnology Building
Telephone: 615-963-1386
FAX: 615-963-5436
Research Areas:
Plant Pathology, Integrated Disease Management, Biological Control, Host Resistance, etc.
Refereed journal Articles - 47
Conference Proceedings - 52
Extension Publications - 8
Technical Annual Reports - 19
Research Abstracts - 59
Conference Presentations - 132
Most Significant Publications:
1. Li, Yonghao; Mmbaga, Margaret; Windham, Alan; Windham, Mark, Trigiano, Robert 2009. Powdery mildew of dogwoods: Current status and future prospects. Plant Disease Journal. Vol. 93: 1084-1092.
2. Mmbaga, M. T., Mrema F.A. and R.J. Sauve. 2007. Identification of microorganisms for biological control of powdery mildew in Cornus florida. Biological Control Journal Reference(2008): doi:10.1016/j.biolcontrol.2007.10.018.
3. Mmbaga, M. T. and J.B. Oliver 2007. Effect of Biopesticides on foliar diseases and Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica) adults in roses (Rosa spp.), oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) and Crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica). Arboriculture and Urban Forestry Journal 33(3) : 1-10.
4. Mmbaga, M.T. and Sauvé, R. 2007. Analysis of Powdery Mildew-resistant dogwood accessions using AFLP. HortScience Journal 42: 28-30.
5. Mmbaga, M.T., Klopfenstein, N. Kim, M., Shi, A. and Mmbaga, N.C 2004. PCR-based DNA analysis of powdery mildew pathogens of dogwood (Cornus spp.). Forest Pathology 34: 321-328.
6. Mmbaga, M. T. and Suave R. J. 2004. Evaluation for multiple disease resistance in dogwood for three foliar pathogens. International J of Arboriculture and Urban Forestry: 30(2):101-106.
7. Mmbaga M.T., J.R. Steadman and J.R. Stavely 1996. The use of host resistance in rust disease management in common beans. Integrated Pest management Reviews.1: 191-200.
8. Mmbaga, M.T., Steadman, J. R. and Eskridge, K.M. 1996. Virulence patterns of Uromyces appendiculatus from different geographic areas and implications for finding durable resistance to rust of common bean. Journal of Phytopathology. 144: 533-541.
9. Mmbaga M. T., J.R. Steadman and J. J. Roberts 1994. Interaction of bean leaf pubescence with rust urediniospore deposition and subsequent infection density. Ann. Appl. Biol. 125: 243-254.
10. Arnaud-Santana, E., M. T. Mmbaga, D. P. Coyne, and J. R. Steadman.1993. Sources of resistance to common bacterial blight and rust in elite Phaseolus vulgaris L. Germplasm. Hortscience 28: 644-646.
11. Mmbaga, M. T., E. Anaurd-Santana, J. R. Steadman and D. Coyne. 1992. New sources of nonspecific resistance to rust and common blight in Pompadour dry bean landrace. Euphytica, 61: 135-144.
12. Mmbaga. M. T. and J. R. Steadman 1992. Nonspecific resistance to rust in pubescent and glabrous common bean genotypes. Phytopathology 82: 1283-1287.
13. Mmbaga, M.T. and J.R. Steadman. 1992. Adult plant rust resistance in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plant Disease 76: 1128-1135.
14. Mmbaga, M.T. and Stavely, .R.1988. Pathogenic variability in Uromyces appendiculatus and rust resistance in Tanzanian bean cultivars. Plant Disease 72: 259-262.
Principles of Plant Pathology
Introduction to Mycology
Host parasite Interactions and Disease Control
AGSC 5190 Plant Breeding
Provided training on Legume diseases and their control in West Asia and North Africa National Agricultural Research Systems
Recent Awards and Honors:
2009 Outstanding Research Faculty Award, Tennessee State Univ., School of Agriculture and Consumer Science, Nashville, TN
B.Sc (Botany, Zoology with Education). – University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
M.Sc (Botany). - University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Ph.D. – Plant Pathology University of Wisconsin, Madison WI.
Date joined staff: 1995
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