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Solomon G. Haile
Associate Professor and Applied GIS Program Coordinator
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
College of Agriculture
Contact Information
Office Location: 214 C Farrell-Westbrook
Telephone: 615-963-5445
FAX: 615-963-5436
Email: shaile@tnstate.edu
Dr. Haile's personal web page.
Outreach and Research Interest
Carbon sequestration in Forest and Agroforestry systems; Biomass energy and Applied GIS
Courses Taught
- AGSC 6510 Geospatial Information Systems
- AGSC 6550 Advanced Geospatial Information Systems Application and Design
- AGSC 6560 Advanced Global Positioning Systems
- AGSC 3340 Introduction to Forestry
Recent and Significant Publications
Haile, Solomon G., Palmer, Marhsa and Otey, Alan (2016) Potential of Loblolly Pine - Switchgrass Alley Cropping for Provision of Biofuel Feedstock. Agroforestry Systems DOI: 10.1007/s10457-016-9921-3
Nair, P. K. Ramachandran, Subhrajit K. Saha, Vimala D. Nair, and Solomon G. Haile. (2010). Potential for greenhouse gas emissions from soil carbon stock following biofuel cultivation on degraded lands. Land Degradation & Development, DOI:10.1002/ldr.1016
Haile, Solomon G, Nair, V. D., and Nair, P. K. R. (2010). Contribution of trees to carbon storage in soils of silvopastoral systems in Florida, USA. Global Change Biology, 16: 427-438.
Nair, P. K. Ramachandran, Vimala D. Nair, Emanuela F. Gama-Rodrigues, Rasmo Garciad, Solomon G. Haile, David S. Howlett, B. Mohan Kumar, M. Rosa Mosquera-Losada, Subhrajit K. Saha, Asako N. G. Takimoto, Rafael G. Tonucci. (2009). Soil Carbon in Agroforestry Systems: An Unexplored Treasure? Nature Precedings : hdl:10101/npre.2009.4061.1
Nair, P. K. Ramachandran, Vimala D. Nair, B. Mohan Kumar, and Solomon G. Haile. (2009). Soil carbon sequestration in tropical agroforestry systems: A feasibility appraisal. Environmental Science & Policy, 12: 1099—1111.
Haile, Solomon G, Nair, P. K. R., and Nair, V. D. (2008). Soil carbon storage in different size fractions in silvopastoral systems of Florida. J. Environnemental Quality 37(5): 1789—1797.
Nair, Vimala D. Haile, Solomon G., Michel, G.A. and Nair, P.K. Ramachandran. (2007) Environmental Quality Improvement of Agricultural Lands through Silvopasture in Southeastern United States. Scientia Agricola, 64(5): 513—519.
Educational Background
PhD, Forest Resources and Conservation and Interdisciplinary Concentration in Geographic Information Sciences, University of Florida Gainesville, FL, USA.
M.Sc., Tropical Forestry, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
B.Sc., Forestry, Haramaya University (formerly Alemaya Agricultural University), Ethiopia.
Date Joined Staff: 2010
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